Make Feeling Good Top Priority

by Robyn Myhr

What if everything in your life just sort of went the way you wanted it to? Your kids listened to everything you said and had a peaceful way of communicating back to you. You felt beautiful in your body. You had the time to do the things that really mattered to you. You felt appreciated, loved and connected to your family. No, it’s not time to wake up from this dream, it’s time to live it!

Ok, let’s take a step back. Are you ready to start making feeling good a top priority in your life?

If you said yes – or even if you thought this would be a fabulous dream – then read on.

I am here to remind you that you have the ability to see what you want to see in your life. You can live in a happy state of mind even when you are faced with toddler tantrums, fussy eaters, and worst of all – your inner voice telling you you are doing everything wrong.

I thought I was born a positive person – you know, one of those “the glass is always half full” kind of people. The older I got the more I realized it was easy to feel good when I was happy and things were going my way, but when things didn’t go my way, that glass sure seemed to lose water fast!

Instead of giving myself a “time out” every time I was pushed beyond my limits, I went on a mission to choose to see happiness even in the more challenging moments of my day. I was amazed at how when I made up my mind to enjoy my life, not much around me changed, but there was a huge shift in how I felt. I was much more at peace and free even with all the same responsibilities.

Parenting comes with a long list of “to dos” and it can weigh a mama down trying to get them all done! Then add on the fact that there can be very little time to focus on your needs. Here are three simple, practical tips I use to make feeling good a top priority every day. If I can do it, so can you.

Feel Good Tip # 1 – Breathe

When one of my kiddos is pushing boundaries and I want to keep my cool, breathing is my favorite thing to do because I find it the most effective. Most of us take short, shallow breaths all day long without realizing it. Rest assured, this is a slow, steady energy-zapper. On the other hand, taking several slow, deep breaths relaxes and re-energizes your body and your mind.
Feel Good Tip # 2 Visualize and Feel

In order to feel good during your hectic day, you have to actually feel and believe it can happen. This is why it’s important to choose a time every day during which you can spend one to five minutes visualizing and feeling good. Establish a ritual, ideally the same time every day, such as before you get out of bed in the morning or after you brush your teeth at night. You may like to put on music that makes you happy or just close your eyes and visualize seeing yourself in a way that brings joy to you. For example, I imagine myself rocking slowly in a hammock on a warm summer day – there is a slight breeze in the air and I am watching fluffy white clouds pass by. There is a glass of lemonade next to me and I feel totally relaxed and at ease.

Feel Good Tip # 3 Remind

Since becoming a parent, I feel like I have so many things going on at once that I use reminders to restore my sanity. I put notes around the house in areas with the most activity or tension (think: play room or kitchen) to remind me to relax, breathe, or laugh. Of course, you may have other words that reflect whatever you need to make you feel better in the moment. For instance, when I see the word “relax” the tension in my shoulders eases. What’s fun is that the family can get into these reminders, too. For example, when my seven-year-old nephew came to visit he asked me what the reminder signs were for, and asked if they were my “house rules.” I loved it and said, “Yes, they are,” and he said he really liked my rules!

From one mama to another, here’s to making feeling good your top priority.

Robyn Myhr is a holistic life coach and yoga teacher. She is a 2006 honors graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City. She practices finding happiness in every day with her adorable son and daughter and ever supportive husband. To connect with Robyn please visit her website at

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