7 Easy Swaps for a Cleaner, Greener Home
By Cris Pearlstein
It’s fair to say that if given the choice we’d all want our home filled with products that are clean and green. But it’s also fair to say that’s a task easier said than done. It can be daunting to think about overhauling every product you own—not to mention time consuming and expensive! Lucky for us, Lauren Breiding is here to help with 7 easy swaps for a cleaner, greener home.
With a non-judgemental, common-sense approach, the mom and Clean Living Consultant gently guides people toward making small changes that over time add up to a big impact. Her advice is to start small: as you run out of products one by one, replace them with safer versions. She even does the research for you, just check out her free Switch to Safer 101 Guide HERE.
We caught up with Lauren and got her to dish on the 7 easy swaps that will make your home a cleaner, greener place.

“If you like Method products give Branch Basics a try. Not only will you be impacting the health of your whole household, but you will be able to do it in one simple step. The Branch Basics concentrate has seven plant and mineral-based ingredients to replace most of the cleaners in your home. Plus, by using their refill system you are cutting down on excess plastic waste. Branch Basics is also Made Safe Certified which is a high standard of safety.” *Use code DETOXMETUESDAY for 15% off starter sets.
Hello Bello, diapers starting at $8.99

“If you like Huggies try Hello Bello diapers the next time you run out. They’re free of chlorine processing, artificial fragrance, phthalates, parabens, lotions, and latex. The price is on point with most conventional diapers, and the cheerful designs will brighten your day. They are on a mission to provide premium, safe diapers to all families. Hello Bello is also making great steps in sustainability by sourcing organic and/or plant based ingredients where possible, and having recyclable packaging.”
Pssst…check out The 10 Best Eco-Friendly Baby Products
Pyrex 18-piece Food Storage Set, $43.16

“If you’re still using plastic Tupperware, your next food storage purchase should be Pyrex glass containers. Food storage is one switch to safer that I love to start people on because, like cleaning products, it impacts the whole family. Plastic containers can leach chemicals into your food, so opt for glass, stainless steel or food grade silicone instead. If you’re not quite ready to purchase a new set, hand washing your containers and skipping the microwave is a good first step—the high heat exacerbates the leaching process. Also, glass food storage keeps food fresh longer than plastic. I also love Stasher Bags to replace plastic bags.”

“This summer try a safe, physical sunscreen that works for the whole family, like Pipette. Check to make sure the only active ingredient is Zinc Oxide, which provides an actual physical barrier on your skin. Chemical sunscreens usually have 3-5 active ingredients which work after your skin has absorbed the sun. Many of these ingredients, like oxybenzone, have been linked to hormone disruption. The best sunscreen is always the one you have, but if you are replenishing empty or old bottles it’s the perfect time to look for safer options.”

“If you are looking for a foam crib mattress opt for the Newton Baby Mattress. This was one of my main focuses when I was preparing our nursery because kids spend so much time sleeping. Most common mattresses with high off gassing are made of polyurethane foam which are often treated with flame retardants. And many mattresses can release VOCs (volatile organic compounds) into the air. I love this Newton Mattress because it is a two-for-one washable mattress pad and rinsable core. It is made without foam, glue or even latex.”
Pssst…check out How to Create a Non-Toxic Nursery

“It is no surprise that there are hundreds of chemicals lurking in tap water. This can include chlorine, chlorine byproducts and heavy metals. While any filter is better than nothing, my go-to is The Goodfor Co. We have their Reverse Osmosis system, along with the shower filters and we love them. Check the EWG Tap Water Database for a look at what filtration system is best for your home. (Bonus points if you are putting your filtered water in safe, stainless reusable bottles for the whole family!)” *Use code LAURENBREIDING for 10% off.
Organic produce, see your local supermarket for prices

“When it comes to food, shopping organic can sometimes really make a difference. Foods labeled as organic are made up of at least 95% organic ingredients and the soil hasn’t been treated with pesticides, growth hormones, genetically modified ingredients or antibiotics. But of course shopping organic can get pricey, so one resource that helps me prioritize my spend is the EWG Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists. Every year they test for pesticides and list the cleanest and dirtiest so you can use that information when shopping.”

Lauren Breiding is a Clean Living Consultant, Founder of Detox Me Tuesday and mom of her almost-three-year-old son. After learning about the lack of regulation in the cosmetics industry through Beautycounter, she couldn’t believe the harmful ingredients found in the products she was using every day. She has spent the last seven years educating herself, and others, on the importance of switching to safer products. Her goal is to be a compassionate, funny and real voice on the importance of using safer products, all while connecting consumers with brands they can trust.