Parenting Tips

A Mother’s Secret Wish List

We moms work hard. Our families expect us to whip up a home cooked meal, get school clothes ready, prepare…


Mother’s Day 2014 Deals

We at Mommybites happen to think Mother's Day is pretty much the best "holiday" ever. So, in honor of this…

Heather Ouida

Unplugging Plugged-In Kids

With the prevalence of electronic everything, I’m finding that many kids - even little ones - are so plugged in…


Summer Camp Scoop: 10 Camp Planning Tips

Before you know it, school’s out for summer so camp should be top-of-mind. Want to make the most of your…


Hints on Sharing a Vacation Home

With summer just around the corner, many of us are planning vacation rentals. This often means sharing a home with…


The Park Avenue Wig: One Mom’s Journey to Beating Cancer

I keep thinking about the last episode of Sex and the City where Samantha gives a speech I keep thinking…


Spring Fever for Families in Transition

Whatever your spring holiday tradition, Easter baskets, Passover or celebrating the Vernal Equinox, for families in transition, it can be…


Put The Happy Into Your Mothers Day: Ideas To Keep You Positive And Centered As A Mom

With Mothers' Day fast approaching, and with it the prospect of receiving another adorable round of glitter-covered picture frames and…

Shulie Rubin

Peaceful Parenting: Workshop Re-Cap

In case you missed it, Mommybites Bergen hosted one of its signature in-person events last week, which brought moms together…

Jennifer Rojas

Reducing Test-Taking Anxiety

The Situation Today With New York State tests just around the corner, hearing children in your life complaining about their…
