The Moms Groups are an easy way to come together with great group of women to share experiences, ask questions and gather valuable parenting resources! Meet other moms in your neighborhood, find out about classes, and things to do as a mom in NYC, and have a play date with your little one each week! […]
Author: Renee Sullivan
MamaDramaNY Review: The Lady From Dubuque
Wow! What a ride from Edward Albee – the depths of darkness in Act I to denial’s lighter side in Act II. The Signature Theater’s masterful production of Albee’s “The Lady from Dubuque” had comparative tones from his play, “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf” – in his classic setting of a living room and drinks flowing freely.
Enjoy the Ride – One Mom’s Journey to Finding the Perfect NYC School
By Renee Sullivan, parent coach and Founder of The Moms Groups Ask any mom in New York City about the process of finding a school for their child, and I’m sure you’ll get some visceral reaction ranging from a giant enunciated sigh to a heated debate, to some crazy story about “the process” – […]