Parenting Tips

These Are the Best Companies for Working Moms in NYC

These Are the Best Companies for Working Moms in NYC

Whether you’re a working momma looking to make a change, or you’re a SAHM thinking of returning to work, maneuvering the career boards can be daunting. Like close-the-job-boards-tab-and-do-some-Pinterest-instead, kind of daunting. It’s stressful enough trying to find the perfect career choice, but when you add a family to the mix, stress levels can grow monumentally. […]

Sensory Friendly Tips to Prepare Your Child for Season Changes

Sensory Friendly Tips to Prepare Your Child for Season Changes

If you have a child with sensory processing disorder (SPD) or a highly sensitive temperament, you know change can wreak havoc on your family’s harmony. Environmental triggers can cause behavioral meltdowns, and if you aren’t prepared, you could feel like you’re losing the parenting game. Young kids often lack the vocabulary to explain what bothers […]

A Parent’s Guide to Choosing a Summer Camp
5 Differences between Twin Pregnancy and Singleton Pregnancy

5 Differences between Twin Pregnancy and Singleton Pregnancy

When you find out that you’re pregnant with twins, you may start thinking and worrying about how your pregnancy will progress and how your twins are developing. Many women pregnant with twins have straightforward and uncomplicated pregnancies. Nevertheless, there are a few areas where your twin pregnancy may be different from a singleton pregnancy.

5 Nanny Job Benefits to Consider When Hiring a Nanny

5 Nanny Job Benefits to Consider When Hiring a Nanny

Hiring a nanny to come into your home and care for your little ones is a great choice; the individual attention and care your kids will receive with a nanny really can’t be beat. But remember, hiring a nanny automatically makes you an employer, whether you’d like to assume that role or not. As such, you’ll find yourself suddenly thinking about things like payroll, taxes, and contracts. Yikes!

4 Benefits of Using a Nanny Share for NYC Parents
8 Awesome At-Home Prenatal Workouts

8 Awesome At-Home Prenatal Workouts

Being pregnant during a pandemic is no picnic. There’s the stress of carrying a baby as you’re navigating a brave new world of quarantine. But there’s also a sudden lack of exercise options with gyms and yoga and pilates studios shut down. So it’s time to turn to at-home workouts. YouTube is one great place to find a ton of free content, and we’ve rounded up eight great workouts to do when you’re expecting a bundle of joy. 

7 Ways to Throw Birthday Celebrations for Kids While Social Distancing
Early Pregnancy Symptoms No One Tells You About
How Parents Can Manage Their Mental Health During Quarantine

How Parents Can Manage Their Mental Health During Quarantine

Now more than ever, taking care of your mental health as a parent is crucial. Parents are juggling working from home, homeschooling the kids, managing kids’ mental health, and trying to figure out their own during social distancing—and all of that adds up to an increase in negative feelings that can be breathtaking. Here are some tips on managing your feelings, getting professional help, and remembering the little things that can make you happier right now.