I was not prepared for my child to choose my husband over me. It happened when my daughter was about one-and-a-half years old. Up to that time, I was clearly the parent of choice. She predictably preferred that I feed her, bathe her, change her diapers and put her to sleep. Of course, her father […]
Parenting Tips

Coin Collecting for Kids: How to Get Your Kids Started
Everyone has a hobby they enjoy and for some people, that hobby is coin collecting. There’s nothing like the thrill of finding a rare collectable or adding it to the space in your collection that’s collected dust for a long time.

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Coconut Oil for Children
One of the latest fads in the health community is including coconut oil in your diet. It rose in popularity alongside the keto diet, since it’s high in natural fats that can help with weight loss when taken correctly.

4 Safety Tips for Family Holiday Decorating
Holiday safety begins at home, and you can keep yourself and your family safe by avoiding hazards while decorating your living space. Danger may be lurking in more ways than you realize, and learning how to identify and prevent potential problems as you add more festive cheer to your abode can keep you and your littles out of harm’s way.

This Is How to Leave the House Quickly without Your Kid Freaking Out
When my kids are doing something important like entertaining themselves (play is a child’s MOST important job) and I need to ask them to get ready to leave (i.e. go to the loo and get their shoes and coats on) it’s not uncommon for me to hear something like “NOOOO! I don’t wanna go right now!!!” Here’s how YOU can get out the door without power struggles at home.

7 Fun Activities to Get Your Child Interested in Fitness
As a parent, you understand the need for your child to stay physically active. But let’s be honest; today’s society caters more towards being sedentary than physical fitness. It’s imperative to resist this temptation by limiting your child’s screen time and getting him or her active.

5 Ways to Spice Up Your Thanksgiving
The unfortunate holiday that typically gets the short end of the stick is Thanksgiving. If you find that your traditions tend to miss out on that Thanksgiving vibe, here are a few suggestions for different ways to spice up your November with some extra thankfulness.

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy
If you’re pregnant, you’re probably busy furnishing a nursery, creating a birth plan, choosing a name, and picking out baby clothing. However, pregnancy is also a very sensitive time for your health. After all, your health now affects your child’s health!

5 Tips To Relax Your Child Before Bed
There are some nights when your child feels sleepy and easily surrenders to bedtime, but other nights, you might as well be putting the Tasmanian devil to bed. Under these circumstances, it’s beneficial to incorporate some relaxing nighttime activities into your routine to get your child ready for bed.

7 Ways to Lower the Morning Stress Level in Your Home
Fall is in full swing. Pumpkin flavors everything from coffee to candles. Football dominates the weekends. And, the kids are busy with school, sports and other activities. Any parent will tell you that a busy school year usually means “morning madness”. One mom described trying to get her kids and herself out the door in the morning a “daily disaster.”