The unfortunate holiday that typically gets the short end of the stick is Thanksgiving. If you find that your traditions tend to miss out on that Thanksgiving vibe, here are a few suggestions for different ways to spice up your November with some extra thankfulness.
Parenting Tips
Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy
If you’re pregnant, you’re probably busy furnishing a nursery, creating a birth plan, choosing a name, and picking out baby clothing. However, pregnancy is also a very sensitive time for your health. After all, your health now affects your child’s health!
5 Tips To Relax Your Child Before Bed
There are some nights when your child feels sleepy and easily surrenders to bedtime, but other nights, you might as well be putting the Tasmanian devil to bed. Under these circumstances, it’s beneficial to incorporate some relaxing nighttime activities into your routine to get your child ready for bed.
7 Ways to Lower the Morning Stress Level in Your Home
Fall is in full swing. Pumpkin flavors everything from coffee to candles. Football dominates the weekends. And, the kids are busy with school, sports and other activities. Any parent will tell you that a busy school year usually means “morning madness”. One mom described trying to get her kids and herself out the door in the morning a “daily disaster.”
Top Tips for Making Your Kitchen Safe for Kids
As a parent, all you want to do is protect your kid and make them happy. That’s why you spend money on the best school and quality toys. It’s all to create a safe world for them to grow up in, especially when it comes to the home.
Parents have the most environmental control over where you live, but sometimes there are dangers that get overlooked. The kitchen may be the most common place for accidents to occur since it’s used multiple times a day.
Nanny Talk: The Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Relationship with Your Nanny
There seems to be a rise in the ideology that nannies must inherently be all-knowing, psychic, and micromanaged all at the same time. While in most cases this is simply a (major) miscommunication, rest assured there are easy steps to take to ensure the nanny/parent relationship is harmonious for all.
Celebrating Your Anniversary with Small Kids
When you first met your significant other, you probably spent a lot of time finding new ways to have fun together. There were endless opportunities for dates, long talks and adventures just for the two of you.
How to Handle Nanny Vacations, Holidays, and Sick Days
It’s easy enough to coordinate your vacation time with your nanny’s since that’s typically scheduled far enough in advance. But what about when she calls in sick? How will you handle situations when your nanny has to cancel at the last minute? Without a backup plan, it’s easy to be left in the lurch on those days.
Why You Need a Will Regardless of Age and Wealth
You may think estate planning is just for the very rich or the very old. It’s not. Whether you have young children or aging parents, a traditional or non-traditional family, a large house or a small car, you should have a will.
4 Reasons Young Children Should Learn A Foreign Language
We all know there are numerous benefits to learning a second language as an adult, but what about the benefits of learning a foreign language as a child? Children who grow up in a dual-language household or who are enrolled in a bilingual school gain other benefits relating to academics, world view, empathy, and confidence.