Find a Babysitter in New York and Nearby Areas
Need a date night? Weekend childcare? Reliable care when you need to work? Mommybites helps connect you to New York Metro, experienced and flexible babysitters in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Westchester, Long Island and New Jersey. Find a part-time babysitter in your area below!
If you have a babysitter you’d like to refer, or if you are a babysitter who wants to help, post on our Babysitters board!
*Please note: If you are seeking a mom-recommended Nanny for your family, or want to refer your Nanny to other families, our Nanny Board is the right place to be.
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In order to protect our caregivers, we kindly ask you to enter your email below. Once submitted, a link will be provided with contact information. Please scroll down to your desired listing to retrieve information.
Please note: Anyone posing as a parent and contacting nannies for any reason OTHER than to hire them for a legitimate nanny position will be reported to the authorities and subject to prosecution. All nannies and moms using the Mommybites nanny board have been notified and directed to report any suspicious behavior to the authorities.