New York City, especially now, can be a challenging a place to find a sitter. We’ve got some tips for you, and a list of resources to help you find childcare.
Tag: Childcare

Creative Childcare Solutions for Life in the Time of Coronavirus
If it takes a whole village to raise one child, then thank goodness we live in New York City. There are certain characteristics of NYC life that work in moms’ and dads’ favor when it comes to childcare. This has never been more true than right now, when many schools and daycares are closing due to the rising confirmed cases of Coronavirus in the NY area.

How to Travel Abroad with Children
Traveling abroad with children can feel a bit like herding cats — with the huge exception that the stakes are incredibly high. If you’re planning on traveling internationally with a child — or children — in tow, here are a few tips and tricks to help make sure you all stay safe and the trip goes as smoothly as possible.

How to Teach Sustainability From a Young Age
All the way back during the Industrial Revolution, high-profile names like Adam Smith and David Hume were already speaking out against a failure to protect the natural world that we live in.
In more recent years, the threat of a rapidly changing climate and the importance of sustainable living have been even more keenly felt as bigwig personalities, like Robert Downey Jr., have continued the push to save the planet through modern technology.

What Do You Do with a Newborn in the Winter?
“What do you do with a newborn in the winter?” seems to be one of the most frequently Googled questions by new moms before the chilly wind hits the town. I asked the web the same question six years ago after delivering my twins. Back then, we used to live in Denver, where temperature can […]

5 Tax-Related Things to Do When You Hire a Nanny
From setting up tax payments to minimizing financial risk, you’ll need to finish these tasks before your nanny begins working. Here’s what you need to know when hiring a nanny and becoming a household employer, including paying taxes, paying your nanny legally, and reducing financial risk.

What is the Difference Between a Nanny and an Au Pair?
If daycare just isn’t your thing, you’ll need to find a caregiver to come to your home to take care of your kids. When it comes to deciding on a full-time care provider for your kids, your two main options are a nanny or an au pair. And in New York City, you’ll see plenty of both. While these two types of child care providers are similar, they’re not the same.

Busy Parents Will Love These 8 Fast and Easy Recipes for Kids
It’s a lot to handle, which might make food the last thing on your mind — or it would be if your kids hadn’t learned to ask what’s for dinner every day around 11 a.m.
In those moments when you can’t imagine finding time to cook a big meal, try one of these eight fast recipes for busy parents. They’ll only take a few minutes of your time so you can get back to loving your kids.

Toddlers and Technology: Smart Tips for Parents
With the influx of technology, parents have more decisions to make than ever before. Once, decisions regarding play revolved around when their child was old enough for toys with small pieces, and decisions regarding learning centered around whether or not they would choose to send their children to preschool. Now, they must decide if – and more likely, when – they will first expose their children to technology.

9 Lifestyle Factors That Can Affect You and Your Child’s Mental Health
Protecting your child’s mental wellness is many parents’ primary goal. Others may pay more attention to outward issues. Placing mental health on the back burner is detrimental to everyone in a family because the consequences can extend to others. It’s essential to recognize the signs of declining mental health and pinpoint lifestyle aspects that affect it. You can only fix a problem if you know the cause.