What Chores Should Your Nanny Do?

While childcare is always a nanny’s primary responsibility, busy parents could always use a little (okay, a lot) of help folding the wash, emptying the dishwasher, and cleaning up the kid’s rooms. Chores that are kid-related are typical for nannies to help with, but what about walking the dog and picking up the dry cleaning? Are those household tasks appropriate for a nanny to take on? 

The answer is: maybe. Nannies are caregivers, not housekeepers, but some may be open to taking on more of the household to-do’s depending on the kids’ ages and schedules. However, if they’re not willing to run an errand or the vacuum, don’t hold it against them. You should always hire a nanny based on their experience caring for kids, not what they’re willing to do or not do around the house. 

To make sure that you and your nanny are aligned on responsibilities–kid-related chores included–it’s important to add them to the job description. This way you can be upfront about what your family’s needs are when you start to interview candidates and have any clarification conversations early. And as always, make sure you have clearly outlined the responsibilities in your nanny contract

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Chores nannies typically help with:

A nanny can be expected to take on any child-related chores that a parent would typically do if they were home. Meaning, if something gets dirty or messy while your nanny is in charge, it’s their job to tidy things up. But that doesn’t make your nanny responsible for tidying up from the night or hours before they arrive. Parents should be mindful that they’re not “leaving things” for their nanny to do, which is essential to building a healthy nanny-parent relationship. 


  • Preparing meals and snacks
  • Washing bottles, dishes and used cookware 
  • Putting away clean plates, etc. 
  • Emptying the trash when full 
  • Wiping down the counters
  • Packing and unpacking snacks and lunchbags 


  • Picking up playthings around the house
  • Organizing toys & books in kid’s room
  • Cleaning up after arts & crafts 

Laundry time:

  • Washing & folding kids clothes or bedding
  • Putting kids’ clothes in drawers & closets 

Potty time: 

  • Emptying diaper pails when full 
  • Wiping down tub or counter as needed  

School time:

  • Packing and unpacking backpacks 
  • Tidying up coats and shoes after school

Extra chores nannies may agree to help with:

These chores are appropriate to ask your nanny to do, so long as they can tackle without any effect on their primary responsibility–keeping your child healthy and safe! Parents and nannies should agree upon which, if any of these chores, are regular responsibilities and which can be tacked on an as-needed, time-permitting basis. 

  • Emptying the dishwasher 
  • Caring for family pets 
  • Making kids’ beds
  • Sorting thru outgrown clothes 
  • Toy reorganization projects 
  • Disinfecting toys and play surfaces 
  • Packing for kids for planned trips 
  • Running errands for kids
  • Sorting school notices 
Trying to find your next nanny? Visit our nanny boards to hire a professional nanny in the NY area.