One-To-One Parent Support Sessions





Welcome to Mommybites’ One-to-One! Although we offer online parenting classes, so many of you have reached out to us to see if there was a way for you to have private sessions with our experts. Well, now there is!

Below you will find some of our favorite experts who have worked with the Mommybites community for years. In fact, that is how we selected the experts listed here: they must have worked with Mommybites for at least two years, received a stamp of approval by our Mommybites team and most importantly, the moms in our community adore them.

By signing up for a one hour phone/Skype session through Mommybites’ One-to-One, we guarantee that you will be receiving a discounted price from the expert’s standard consultation rates. 


Infant/Toddler Sleep Solutions:  Janeen Hayward

Cost:  $150 for 60 minute phone or skype session (Normally $175)

Do you find yourself fantasizing about your child sleeping through the night or calmly taking a nap? Janeen Hayward, pediatric sleep expert (aka sleep genie), can turn your dreams into reality. She offers a 60 minute phone or skype strategy session to customize a sleep plan for your child.


Finding & Transitioning a Childcare Provider into your Home: Tammy Gold

Cost:  $150 for 60 minute phone session (Normally $300)

Trying to find the perfect nanny or childcare provider for your children but don’t know where or how to start looking? Do you already have someone and are seeking to make it the best possible experience for your family?  Our Childcare Expert Tammy Gold (aka The Nanny Whisperer) will coach you on: finding, interviewing, trailing, selecting and training the best childcare providor for your home. In 60 minutes Tammy will teach you what you need in a nanny and the tips and tricks to perfecting the selection process while maintaining a long and healthy relationship. Choosing and keeping the right nanny is one of the most important things you can do for the safety and wellbeing of your family.


Everything Toddler:  Marsha Greenberg

Cost:  $150 for 60 minute phone session (Normally $185)

Now you know why it’s called The Terrible Twos (& threes and fours)!  Join Renowned expert and author of Raising Your Toddler, Marsha Greenberg, for a one hour consultation to discuss anything and everything toddler such as pottytraining, tantrums, eating issues, separation anxiety, language and early learning, discipline & more!


Scream Free Parenting:  Debbie Pincus

Cost:  $175  for 60 minute phone session (Normally $195)

Do you wish you could get better at being cool, calm & collected with your kids when they push your buttons?  Debbie Pincus, psychotherapist, author of Calm Parenting, parent & family coach & certified Scream Free leader will help you learn how to stay calm when the going gets rough. How we act when our blood boils is the key to great parenting. Debbie offers a 60 minute phone session that will turn around your thinking as well as your relationships! 



Social Media 101:  Elise Jones

Cost:  $100 for 60 minute phone or skype session  (Normally $150)

Ever thought about starting a blog? What about figuring out just how to use Twitter or Facebook? Pinterest got your interest piqued? Would love to post pics on Instagram or videos on Vine? There are so many social media platforms out there now and there is no shortage of businesses large and small as well as private individuals who are using them and asking you why you aren’t. Don’t be intimidated by these different services as they are fun and easy ways to share anything you are passionate about. Elise Jones, social media strategist, is happy to help you set up your business or personal accounts and will give you the tools and strategy you need to use them successfully.



Personalized Parent Coaching:  Brandi Davis, ACC

Cost:  $150 for 60 minute phone or skype session (Normally $175)

Tantrums, and fighting, and negotiations, OH MY. Is this your life? Would you like your family to flow more smoothly and seamlessly? Want your kids to get dressed, clean up, go to bed, without major meltdowns? It CAN happen. During your personal parent coaching hour, we will discuss where you are and where you want to be. We will find specific strategies that fit you and your family so that your children will listen, you can stop yelling, and you will see meltdowns melt away. Through positive and productive discipline techniques, calm communication, and speaking in ways that your children can understand you will create a home where there is fun, listening, respect, and teamwork. Sign up to talk to certified parenting coach and author of O.K. I’m A Parent, Now What?, Brandi Davis, ACC to begin on your journey.