Putting together a cool, comfy wardrobe for your child takes time–so much time!–and money, so when even a drop of tomato sauce falls from the fork onto a new or favorite shirt it can feel like a punch in the gut for parents. But with kids–especially younger ones–stains are inevitable and must be treated right away if you have a chance of saving those adorable, often expensive clothes. (Psst… that means you can’t just toss it in the hamper and expect your laundry service will be able to get it out later.)
To help you keep your cool the next time sauce or chocolate or strawberries strike, we talked to laundry expert Deyan Dimitrov, CEO and Co-Founder at Laundryheap, to get his best stain-removing tips. Read ‘em, save ‘em, share ‘em–so kids can have their chocolate cake, and eat it too!
Chocolate: First, scrape off any excess chocolate. Then, squeeze a small amount of liquid soap onto the stain and use a cloth to rub the suds into the mark. Rinse it with warm water and repeat this process until the stain is very faded. Put the item in the washing machine as normal to get rid of the last remaining marks.
Ketchup & Sauces: When the stain is still fresh, blot it with an absorbent napkin to remove as much of the liquid as you can. If the spot has already dried, scrape off what you can. Then, run cold water over the stain from the back, which helps push the ketchup or sauce out from the fabric. Next, rub a dab of liquid laundry detergent into the stain in a circular motion and let it sit for about 5 minutes. (This removes the stain’s oil base, making it easier to get out of clothes.) Rinse the detergent out of the stain with cold water, then wash the item in the machine as you would normally.
Grass: After a trip to the park or the playground, avoid the temptation to try to brush off grass stains as this will only make stains spread further into the fabric. Instead, pour a small amount of white vinegar on the stain and scrub with a toothbrush to help lift it out. Then, soak the garment in cold water for 15 minutes. If the grass stains remain, soak the stain with a squirt of dish soap and hydrogen peroxide for about 30 minutes, then rinse in cold water before you wash.
Dirt: Always let the mud spot dry completely before trying to clean it. If you try when the mud is wet, the stain could spread and sink deeper into the fabric making it harder to remove. First, scrape the dried dirt to remove what you can from the surface. Then, rub a dab of liquid laundry detergent into the stain and let it sit for 15 minutes. Use a toothbrush to gently rub the mud-stained area every 3 to 5 minutes to help loosen the stain as the detergent works its magic. If any dirt remains, apply a stain remover and let it sit for 5 minutes before you wash the garment in the washing machine.
Formula or Breast Milk: Baby formula and breast milk contain proteins that make them hard to remove from clothing, but soaking helps! Add a cup of white vinegar to a sink full of water and submerge the clothing, letting it soak for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of water to make a thick paste. Remove the clothing item and squeeze to rid excess water, then apply the paste to the stain with your fingers. Rinse the item in cool water and the stain should be gone!
Potty Stains: First, remove and dispose of any solid waste in the toilet or trash. Then, as soon as possible, run the item under cold water. Next, apply liquid dish soap directly to the stain, and rub it in before rinsing with more cold water. Repeat this process until the stain is hardly visible, then apply stain remover before washing the item in the machine.
Butter or Grease: Blot the stain with a paper towel to soak up excess oils. Generously sprinkle baking soda onto the stain and let it sit overnight. The next day, shake the powder into the trash and wash the item of clothing as normal in the machine.
Fruit: Careful scrape off any excess fruit, being careful not to damage the clothing. Mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of water to make a thick paste and use it to completely cover the stained area; let it sit for 15 minutes before you rinse thoroughly with warm water. Apply a small amount of liquid laundry detergent on the stain and let it soak for about 5 minutes before rinsing the item with hot water. Next, apply laundry stain remover (following the package instructions) and wash the garment in a normal cycle in the washing machine.
Gum: Place 4 to 5 ice cubes in a plastic bag, seal it and position it over the gum spot. Once the gum is frozen solid, use a blunt knife to scrape it gently off the clothing. The gum will split into small pieces as you chip away at it. Alternate between cooling the gum down with more ice and scraping it off with a knife until the entire piece is removed. Then, wash the item as normal.