I get a little bit giddy when I think of all the fun things there will be to do with my children in the Big Apple as they grow up. Sure, we all grunt and groan about city living from time to time, but mostly, I just feel lucky that I get to live here. […]
Author: ellenschmidt
5 Things to Know about NYC Parenting
Chances are, at some point during your pregnancy you were asked, “How on earth can you raise a baby in New York City?”
This Is How to Find Local Birthing Classes in the NYC Area
as the months went by and I grew larger and larger, I had to come to terms with the fact that a baby was indeed coming out (it’s easy to skip that part and go straight to the bouncing bundle of joy, am I right?). I began researching birthing classes and found that, once again, living in New York City has its advantages — there were plenty to choose from!
Worry: the Bain of my Existence
Worry. Worry sets in as soon as your child is conceived and only grows stronger once your little one arrives. Unfortunately, just as love manifests, so does your stress level. At least for me, anyway. And as much as I love living in New York City, there are things I worry about when thinking about […]
NYC Life with Toddler: Staying Organized!
Living in New York City, you learn to live with less space, plain and simple. I’ve grown accustomed to the “less is more” philosophy after 11 years of living here, and it doesn’t bother me anymore… unless I happen to be out of town in a “normal” living situation, i.e., a house. Then I tend […]
NYC: Best and Worst with Baby
As amazing as New York City is, and as lucky as I feel to live here, there’s no question that this city can feel daunting at times. If you’re like me, you’ll think to yourself “I love it here” or “Ugh. I hate it here” on an almost daily basis. Throw in a baby and […]
Love Letter to the Second Trimester
Here’s a not-so-secret fact about me: I loved being pregnant. Well, let me clarify. I loved 2nd trimester pregnancy. Would you agree? After three months along, I no longer looked like I’d been making daily trips to Dunkin Donuts. I had officially “popped” therefore making it all official. No more sidelong glances and “is she […]
Preschool in NYC: Remember to Breathe
Pre-school. Lottery. Wait list. Utter those words out loud within range of any NYC parent and you will no doubt get a response… and most likely not a pleasant one. With a newly two year old at home, we are in the first stages of thinking about where she’ll go to pre-school and pre-k in […]
Staying You with Toddler in Tow
Our first born recently turned two years old, and it is such fun listening to her pronounce new words, and each day discover something amazing about this world we live in. She is becoming her own little person before our eyes, and it’s a joy to behold. Well… most of the time. Her insatiable curiosity, […]