Winter in New York! What could be better!? “Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand, and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” – Edith Sitwell “What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to […]
Parenting Tips

Top Places for Holiday Toys in NYC
If you’re anything like us you’re doing last minute holiday shopping! As speech pathologists we always need to update our therapy bags, so we do ongoing and endless research to find out where the best toys are sold. We not only want to find educational toys that promote speech and language development and foster creativity […]

Bickering Blues
“What did I do to cause their constant arguing?” asked the anguished and exhausted mother sitting across from me in my office. She’d come to see me for help with the endless squabbling occurring among her three children. It’s a question I’ve been asked many times before. Answering her truthfully, I replied, “You had more […]

Top NYC Fall Activities & Ways to Promote Speech and Language
It’s back to school time and already fall – our favorite season! So many fun activities are near NYC and are just a bus, train, or car ride away. During these fall activities, we advise parents to help their kids comment on what they’re seeing (“I see a spooky scarecrow!”) and encourage their children to […]

Back to School Deals 2014
With back-to-school time just around the corner, we thought we’d share a few verses from The White Stripes’ We’re Going to Be Friends – a whimsical and timely song. Fall is here, hear the yell Back to school, ring the bell Brand new shoes, walking blues Climb the fence, books and pens I can tell […]

Pop Up Classes around NYC!
Kidz Central Station’s Pop-Up Classes: Next one at Gymboree Play & Music! You know how jack-in-the-boxes play a little whimsical music and then “Jack” or a fun animal or character suddenly pops up to the absolute delight of your child? Well, that’s just what the clever folks at Kidz Central Station had in mind when […]

Top NYC Pools + Speech & Language Activities
Now that it’s getting even hotter, I know many of you are looking for quick ways to cool down this August! We decided to write about our favorite pools as New Yorkers and mommies! The one that we go to the most is the John Jay Pool located in a park on the Upper East […]

Beware The Pink Bins Of Brooklyn And Queens!
Summer’s the perfect time to go through your closet and figure out exactly what you do and don’t need. If you live in Brooklyn or Queens, you may have spotted pink ‘donation’ bins popping up in your neighborhood and thought that they were a genius way to simplify your wardrobe redesign. Well, there’s good news […]

Top NYC Beaches and Speech & Language Activities
We love summer! And we also love the beach. July is a great month to escape the city streets and go to the nearest ones! Some of our favorites include Jacob Riis Park Beach in Queens, which is a part of the Gateway National Recreation Area and a close ride away! It includes the Pitch […]

Want Some Whine?
School is out, and camp’s begun – hooray! In the break between these two glorious institutions, many of our children took us on excursions to a dark and unlovely place I call Whine Country. “It’s not fair! Why can’t I have more iPod time??” “You promised we’d get ice cream!” “Ryan’s hitting me!” More distracting […]