The Quad Manhattan Located downtown at the Spruce Street School in Frank Gehry’s Beekman Tower, The Quad Manhattan incorporates “The Social Thinking” framework where children build specific skills and then generalize them into the community. Campers will be in state of the art facilities and near the water, which makes it perfect for outdoor activities! […]
Parenting Tips

Helping Young Parents and Grandparents Negotiate Relationships: Bergen Live Event Re-Cap
This past Monday, a group of moms and grandmoms met at the Max Brenner Chocolate Bar in the Garden State Plaza in Paramus, NJ, for a Mommybites BERGEN live event facilitated by Dr. Karen Rancourt, Ph.D., Mommybites columnist for Ask Dr. Gramma Karen and the author of Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Helping Young Parents and […]

The Ultimate Parenting Question
As I’ve sat in my office counseling parents, had heart-to-hearts with friends in the preschool parking lot, and muddled through my own share of perplexing parenting moments, it has struck me that an important parenting question – perhaps the ultimate parenting question – is how do we balance discipline and acceptance in our child-rearing? Where […]

Programs to Help Children Get the Most Out of Summer
Summer is fast approaching, and parents know that all that free time can be challenging to fill. We’re often asked how to organize summer plans that allow children to improve academic skills, or prepare for the social challenges of the next school year – and still be kids and have fun. The good news is […]

NYC’s Top Summer Camp Picks
Summer is almost here! With that, we know that it is time to find the perfect camp for your children. Camp not only helps children stay active and entertained during the summer months, but also allows them to create and maintain everlasting relationships with new and old friends that they meet. Other skills they work […]

Laughter: The One Thing You Need on Your To-Do List
We are mediating, going to yoga and doing things for ourselves like taking a writing or photography class. We are trying to breath more. But are we laughing?

A Mother’s Secret Wish List
We moms work hard. Our families expect us to whip up a home cooked meal, get school clothes ready, prepare packed lunches, give expert homework tuition, and know immediately where every lost toy is hiding. Simultaneously. And with a smile on our faces. We’d all love to expertly juggle our complicated lives in the city […]

Mother’s Day 2014 Deals
We at Mommybites happen to think Mother’s Day is pretty much the best “holiday” ever. So, in honor of this special day, we thought we would share a few quotes about being a mother: When your mother asks, “Do you want a piece of advice?” it’s a mere formality. It doesn’t matter if you answer […]

Unplugging Plugged-In Kids
With the prevalence of electronic everything, I’m finding that many kids – even little ones – are so plugged in that they won’t hold a conversation or sustain attention. This is, at a minimum, annoying and rude; and at worst, creating a generation woefully deficient in interpersonal communication and concentration skills. Still, simply confiscating their […]

Summer Camp Scoop: 10 Camp Planning Tips
Before you know it, school’s out for summer so camp should be top-of-mind. Want to make the most of your kid’s time off from school? Here’s the lowdown about why and how. Sleepaway camps, in particular, provide kids with the opportunity to unplug, connect with nature, have fun, make new friends, experience new adventures, learn […]