On the last day of school, my daughter woke up early and bounced into my bedroom fully dressed and ready to go. By chance, she had chosen the very same top she had worn on the first day of school. In September, it looked more like a tunic, coming halfway down to her knees. Now, […]
Category: Big Kid
We know you probably hear this all the time, but don’t kids grow up so fast!? One minute you’re worrying that your baby will never sleep through the night and may very well go to school without being potty trained and the next minute, they’re all grown up (which brings its own set of challenges!). Don’t worry because on our national blog you’ll find information fostering positive friendships, healthy eating habits, language and developmental delays, protecting your children from predators, reinforcing learning, here you’ll also find information on the kindergarten admissions process, the ERB’s, after school activities, things to do on the weekends and more!

How to Teach Sustainability From a Young Age
All the way back during the Industrial Revolution, high-profile names like Adam Smith and David Hume were already speaking out against a failure to protect the natural world that we live in.
In more recent years, the threat of a rapidly changing climate and the importance of sustainable living have been even more keenly felt as bigwig personalities, like Robert Downey Jr., have continued the push to save the planet through modern technology.

A Parent’s Guide to Enjoying NYC with Kids Seasonally
I get a little bit giddy when I think of all the fun things there will be to do with my children in the Big Apple as they grow up. Sure, we all grunt and groan about city living from time to time, but mostly, I just feel lucky that I get to live here. […]

This Is How to Get Kids to Sleep Through the Night
With all-too-common nightmares, anxiety, discomfort, and over-stimulation, kids of every age often struggle to stay asleep throughout the night. There could even be several reasons why they’re not sleeping well that you don’t yet realize. No matter how old your child is, however, healthy sleep is an important aspect of their overall wellbeing. Here are five different ways you can help them stay asleep throughout the night.

Alice’s Tea Cup NYC Is a Wonderland of Tea and Goodies
Quaint, dainty and cute are three words that come to mind when I think of Alice’s Tea Cup. Located on the upper east and west side, this is the perfect place for weekend brunch, weekday tea time, a baby shower or your daughter’s birthday party. The restaurant’s whimsical and colorful theme is Alice in Wonderland. […]

These Are the Best Kids Cooking Classes in NYC
I’m sure you are all looking for different activities to get you and your family out of the house! We would like to share our favorite top kids’ cooking classes in New York City.

Toddlers and Technology: Smart Tips for Parents
With the influx of technology, parents have more decisions to make than ever before. Once, decisions regarding play revolved around when their child was old enough for toys with small pieces, and decisions regarding learning centered around whether or not they would choose to send their children to preschool. Now, they must decide if – and more likely, when – they will first expose their children to technology.

Slippery Elm: A Mother’s Herbal Ally
For parents interested in herbal remedies for their children, slippery elm is a product you should have on your radar. It can be used to treat tummy aches, coughs, bronchitis, urinary infections, baby rashes, and more. What is Slippery Elm? Slippery Elm is native to North America, and was widely used by Native Americans as […]

9 Lifestyle Factors That Can Affect You and Your Child’s Mental Health
Protecting your child’s mental wellness is many parents’ primary goal. Others may pay more attention to outward issues. Placing mental health on the back burner is detrimental to everyone in a family because the consequences can extend to others. It’s essential to recognize the signs of declining mental health and pinpoint lifestyle aspects that affect it. You can only fix a problem if you know the cause.

The Young Parent’s Guide to Embracing the Digital Nomad Lifestyle
The digital nomad lifestyle appeals to many people, and with good reason. The idea of traveling around the country, relocating on a whim, and working online sounds romantic, freeing, and exciting. Just think of the adventures you could have!