From setting up tax payments to minimizing financial risk, you’ll need to finish these tasks before your nanny begins working. Here’s what you need to know when hiring a nanny and becoming a household employer, including paying taxes, paying your nanny legally, and reducing financial risk.
Category: Moms
Welcome moms! In case the name Mommybites didn’t clue you in, everything about this site and this company is designed with you in mind. We know how joyful yet overwhelming motherhood can be, so in addition to all the amazing information you’ll find on our national blog such as finding balance, relationships, health, products, finances and work, here you’ll find specific information on being a mom in the hip yet sometimes daunting city!
A Parent’s Guide to Enjoying NYC with Kids Seasonally
I get a little bit giddy when I think of all the fun things there will be to do with my children in the Big Apple as they grow up. Sure, we all grunt and groan about city living from time to time, but mostly, I just feel lucky that I get to live here. […]
Alice’s Tea Cup NYC Is a Wonderland of Tea and Goodies
Quaint, dainty and cute are three words that come to mind when I think of Alice’s Tea Cup. Located on the upper east and west side, this is the perfect place for weekend brunch, weekday tea time, a baby shower or your daughter’s birthday party. The restaurant’s whimsical and colorful theme is Alice in Wonderland. […]
5 Things to Know about NYC Parenting
Chances are, at some point during your pregnancy you were asked, “How on earth can you raise a baby in New York City?”
Getting around New York City with Young Children
I love exploring the city with my children, but I have to admit that for the first couple months after my first child was born I basically didn’t leave the neighborhood. Navigating public transportation with a child can be stressful and traveling in a taxi
These Are the Fundamentals of Early Reading for Children
Babies and Toddlers are smarter than you know! Children absorb so much information just from listening and being attentive to their environment. An “absorption” period in a child’s development starts at birth and continues through 6 and 7 years old.
This Is Why Pregnancy Pilates Is Great for Pregnant Women
Congratulations! You’re pregnant! Have you been keeping up your Pilates practice? Wish you had kept up your Pilates practice? Whatever your answer is, do not fret — there is something you can do! Just because you have a baby bump doesn’t mean you have to be a bump on a log! The wonderful thing about […]
7 Gender-Neutral Alternatives to a Gender Reveal Party
While gender reveal parties are a staple of many pregnancy journeys, you may be looking for a new alternative to an old tradition. Though these parties only recently sprung up in popularity, they tend to uphold outdated gender roles. Pink and blue are lovely shades — but many people become wrapped up in assigning traits, personalities, and even colors to babies based on their sex. Gender is more about personal expression, making the name ironically inaccurate from the start.
Great Off-Guidebook Places to Visit in NYC at Night (Mostly Food)
Are you planning to go into NYC for an evening, and looking for places to eat, drink, and be merry? Maybe the kids are with the babysitter or nanny. I’ve got a small list of some cool things to check out in Manhattan—the best places to walk in NYC at night. Confession time – I […]
Busy Parents Will Love These 8 Fast and Easy Recipes for Kids
It’s a lot to handle, which might make food the last thing on your mind — or it would be if your kids hadn’t learned to ask what’s for dinner every day around 11 a.m.
In those moments when you can’t imagine finding time to cook a big meal, try one of these eight fast recipes for busy parents. They’ll only take a few minutes of your time so you can get back to loving your kids.