Most kids will have some natural hesitations—about parents going back to work, about the safety of playdates, about returning to camp or school. Talk to your kids about the risks of returning to some places and the rules of your area as you begin to go back out again.
Tag: Safety

What You Need to Know about Swimming in Backyard Pools This Summer
Like any outdoor activity, there is a certain amount of risk in swimming in backyard pools due to the coronavirus. Should you choose to take it, here’s how you can do so as safely as possible. While public swimming pools are closed throughout New York State and new restrictions and guidelines were set for visiting beaches during […]

Watch out for These 8 Hidden Home Dangers in NYC Apartments
For New York City families, looking for a new home is no easy task; it’s one of biggest decisions and financial commitments you’ll make.

4 Tech-Savvy Tips to Prevent Kids from Getting Sick
For minor issues, telemedicine is your new secret weapon to help prevent your kids from getting sick. A virtual visit can be a game-changer for easily-diagnosed issues such as rashes or chicken pox—and many health care providers are now offering virtual visits as an option.

This Is Why Boredom Is Good for Kids
Kids of any age (and plenty of adults!) struggle with boredom. A parent’s inclination is to suggest a fun activity or provide yet another distraction for children. But these boring moments are critical for your child’s social-emotional development.

How to Travel Abroad with Children
Traveling abroad with children can feel a bit like herding cats — with the huge exception that the stakes are incredibly high. If you’re planning on traveling internationally with a child — or children — in tow, here are a few tips and tricks to help make sure you all stay safe and the trip goes as smoothly as possible.

What Do You Do with a Newborn in the Winter?
“What do you do with a newborn in the winter?” seems to be one of the most frequently Googled questions by new moms before the chilly wind hits the town. I asked the web the same question six years ago after delivering my twins. Back then, we used to live in Denver, where temperature can […]

4 Safety Tips for Family Holiday Decorating
Holiday safety begins at home, and you can keep yourself and your family safe by avoiding hazards while decorating your living space. Danger may be lurking in more ways than you realize, and learning how to identify and prevent potential problems as you add more festive cheer to your abode can keep you and your littles out of harm’s way.

This Is How to Leave the House Quickly without Your Kid Freaking Out
When my kids are doing something important like entertaining themselves (play is a child’s MOST important job) and I need to ask them to get ready to leave (i.e. go to the loo and get their shoes and coats on) it’s not uncommon for me to hear something like “NOOOO! I don’t wanna go right now!!!” Here’s how YOU can get out the door without power struggles at home.

Top Tips for Making Your Kitchen Safe for Kids
As a parent, all you want to do is protect your kid and make them happy. That’s why you spend money on the best school and quality toys. It’s all to create a safe world for them to grow up in, especially when it comes to the home.
Parents have the most environmental control over where you live, but sometimes there are dangers that get overlooked. The kitchen may be the most common place for accidents to occur since it’s used multiple times a day.