Like a linen suit, I do not travel well. I do not adjust easily to hotel rooms (except the Ritz-Carlton, and I am not kidding about that. I would not kid about that), other people’s homes, or new routines. And after our children became part of the picture, travel became a task not worth my […]
Tag: Safety

Baby Carriers
Hi again Mommybites world! As I mentioned in my first post for this fabulous community, I love baby carriers. Here is a little dip into the world of carriers and hopefully it well help you choose a carrier, or decide to get one, or let you know that you are spot on with the carrier […]

Carrying Your Baby Around the City
Hi Mommybites world – I am so honored to be a member of this community both as a fellow mom and as a contributor to the blog. So with that, let’s get talking! Getting around with kids of all ages in New York City is a unique experience. I’m not always one for sports references, […]

Live Practically Green: Mommybites Summit Session
By Jen Rabulan-Bertram, The Next Kid Thing With so many environmental factors attributing to health issues and concerns, for many families, green living is more relevant now, more than ever. At this year’s Mommybites’ Summit, green experts and advocates, Susan Hunt Stevens and Sarah Finnie Robinson, led a discussion dubbed “Live Practically Green: How to […]

Strollers and Bottles and High Chairs… Oh My!- Mommybites Summit Session
By Heidi Leder, Coast 2 Coast Mom NYC’s premier baby planners, Jamie Grayson and Jennifer Link, brought their passion and bottomless baby buckets of knowledge front and center for the “Strollers and Bottles and High Chairs…Oh My!” chat. It was standing-room only and the lively baby gear discussion focused on four S’s: sleep, sustenance, schlepping […]