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The Scoop on Insurance-Sponsored Lactation Assistance in NYC (Breast Pumps covered by insurance, lactation support)

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    The Scoop on Insurance-Sponsored Lactation Assistance in NYC (Breast Pumps covered by insurance, lactation support)

    According to the National Library of New Medicine, “Over 70% of new mothers experienced difficulties during breastfeeding.” This can include a host of frustrating issues such as plugged ducts, let-down, mastitis, low milk supply, and more. Without proper resources or help, many new moms can become conflicted, confused, depressed and anxious around feeding their babies. On top of many moms having to go back to work, breastfeeding often stops.  However, there is support out there, and incredibly, much of it is covered by health insurance. 

    Under The Affordable Care Act (formerly Obamacare), all health insurance plans have to provide breastfeeding support, as well as counseling and equipment for breastfeeding to parents. This includes the coverage of a breast pump – either as a rental or a new device – and resources such as lactation support.  Below, we are sharing a range of ways to get the support you need – both covered by insurance as well as free resources.

    PsstA Guide to Breastfeeding in NYC

    New York State Minimum Breast Pump Medicaid Reimbursement

    For those on Medicaid, New York State will reimburse certain types of breast pumps. This includes detailed specifications around manual, electric, double bumps, and hospital grade pumps. Pumps are generally available to pregnant women and/or women who just gave birth. The detailed specification under Medicaid can be found here.

    Many insurances, under The Affordable Care Act, also provide complementary pumps. Since prices and qualifying pumps vary, moms should check with their specific insurance provider to determine what is offered and how to file.

    PsstNurturing the Nanny-Parent Relationship

    Breastfeeding and Lactation Support

    NYC Breastfeeding Support

    There are numerous agencies and hospitals throughout NYC that provide breastfeeding support to moms. This ranges from community events such as La Leche League meetings to newborn home visiting programs, lactation support groups, and much more. Find the complete list of breastfeeding and lactation support resources in the five boroughs here.

    Milk Matters Lactation

    This organization services parents in NYC and the Hudson Valley with International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC). They currently accept Aetna, CDPHP, and UnitedHealthcare, which could include a combination of a co-pay, co-insurance, and/or a deductible. For lactation support, they can help address a range of problems such as latching, low milk supply, plugged ducts, mastitis, transitioning to the bottle, and much more. Parents can learn more and schedule an appointment here.

    HRP Mamas

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    This local group provides breastfeeding support to new parents. Offered both in person and virtually, the program is free and includes a range of topics such as breastfeeding, pumping, bottle feeding, wearing, combining breast and bottle, common struggles, and more. Additionally, they partner with the La Leche League for a monthly in-person community meeting where you can ask questions to local lactation consultants based on your specific issues/needs.

    The New York Lactation Consultant Association

    Families can visit the New York Lactation Consultant Association’s website to find resources for providers throughout NYC. However, the site isn’t broken down by which lactation consultant takes insurance or not. You would have to research each provider in the directory here.

    The Lactation Network

    This online service provides a way to pair parents with a lactation consultant. Once you sign up, they check your insurance. However, many consultants vary depending on the type of insurance plan you have. Some consultants offer a way to help you submit billing to your insurance as well offer a way to connect with other lactation support resources.

    La Leche League of New York

    This national mother-to-mother organization has hyper local branches throughout NYC, offering breastfeeding support and community. Incredibly, all of the meetings are free – offered both in person and online. Topics covered may include latching, nutrition, and much more.

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