Extracurricular Activities

    Find Family Friendly Activities

    By Sarah E. Visbeek, author of In the Trenches of Mommyhood

    In my Trenches, we have a strict family rule that we have managed to stick to (thus far!) regarding extracurricular activities and that is: One Activity Per Child Per Season. ONE. And only one.

    This just seems to work for my family. And here’s why: We have three boys, ages 10, 7 and 6. (Thus, my husband and I are outnumbered.) We both work full-time outside the home. We value both family time and weekends. Not that people whose children are overly scheduled (or should I say, overscheduled?) don’t value those same things, don’t get me wrong, it’s just that my husband and I have mutually agreed to consciously make an effort to create “down time” for our children.

    But even with the boys just playing one sport: football in the fall, basketball in the winter, and baseball in the spring, our life is far from sedate and peaceful, as you can imagine. Pop Warner football takes up a huDge chunk of our time, and it has become, literally, a family affair, as my husband coaches, and I am the Treasurer. Practice runs 2 nights a week, plus Saturday mornings, and then the games are on Sunday. I cannot even imagine having to also schlep one (or more) of the boys to karate, or boy scouts or music lessons as well. No. Just no. And thankfully? None of them have asked. Yet.

    This year was especially hard. My husband started coaching spring baseball in April, but then also ended up coaching All-Stars. The baseball season, to my horror, ended up running straight into football season, and actually even overlapped for a week or two.

    Needless to say, I am looking forward to a nice, quiet winter. Yes, the boys play basketball, but (1) it is indoors so no suffering through New England weather, (2) my husband doesn’t coach and (3) basketball is only ONE night a week!

    What is your rule regarding extracurricular activities for your children?


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      Find Family Friendly Activities

      Elise Jones: Elise Jones was the social media director and blog editor for babybites. She was responsible for engaging and informing moms on a variety of parenting topics found on Mommybites’ parenting videos (webbybites), blog, Facebook, Twitter and BlogTalkRadio show. The Mommybites’ blog is an outlet for moms who are in search of information to support them in their role as a parent. Prior to working with Mommybites, Elise taught students in a variety of grades while working for the New York City Department of Education. Before teaching, Elise worked in public relations positions at Burson-Marsteller and Sarah Hall Productions developing and implementing media relations and corporate reputation programs for clients across many industries. Elise is the mom of two lovely girls and currently resides in New Jersey. She performs in the theater and is an active member of her local public arts council. You can also find Elise blogging at Here in This House.
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