Tips on School Separation

    Find Family Friendly Activities

    Start the School Year off Right Teleclass Re-cap

    If you missed this informative teleclass on preparing yourself and your child for the start of the school year, you can listen to a recording of the class here.

    In this teleclass, some of what expert Dana Rosenbloom of Dana’s Kids discussed were ways to separate and establish a “good-bye” routine. Here are some of her tips:

    How Are We Going To Separate?
    The piece was originally posted on Dana’s Blog.

    Separation for the first time at school can be a spectacular, and sometimes challenging, experience for grown-ups and children alike. I find that having a plan helps immensely. You can talk to both your child and his or her teacher about “the plan” and then follow through. Try these tips:

    1. Have Your Child Walk In To The Building and Classroom – A child who walks independently into a school or day care building is starting off with a sense that they can do this and that you believe this will be a great experience. Isn’t that the message you want to send your child? When we hold children in these situations we may subconsciously squeeze them a little tighter and convey some of our own trepidations about what’s to come. Truth be told, your child may not want to walk in themselves every day, but establishing this as part of your morning routine sends a positive message about your child’s competence and your belief in him or her.

    2. Establish A Goodbye Routine – Whether it’s a hug and a high-five or a wave through the window, set up a routine that you do consistently when you leave your child. You can use your goodbye routine at home with caregivers, when leaving your child with your partner, and especially with drop-off situations at school and day care. The predictability of the routine will help your child feel safer and more comfortable with the idea of separation.

    3. Think About the Transfer of Responsibility – One of the major goals of separation, in addition to fostering your child’s sense of self, is to convey a transfer of responsibility to the teacher or caregiver. In this way you tell your child, that the caregiver or teacher can help them, soothe them, change their diaper, etc. They may not do it exactly like Mom or Dad, but you feel comfortable with this environment and this person, and you feel good about them being a part of your child’s life. If your child comes over to you during separation, or seems hesitant, give a reassuring kiss or hug and encourage them to ask their teacher for help or to see what their caregiver is working on.

    4. Give Your Child A Concrete “Time” When You’ll Be Back – I’m not suggesting you have your young child live by the clock, but ask the teacher what the last activity of the day will be. Generally, the daily schedule at the beginning of the year will remain pretty constant so that children feel secure and can learn the routine. If you know that the last thing your child will do each day is have a Goodbye Circle, you can let them know you’ll be back after it’s over. This gives your child another concrete way to feel safe. Remind them who will be there to pick them up and that that person will be there after ____.

    5. Make A Big Deal About Your Reunion – We spend so much time thinking about how to say goodbye, that we often forget the importance of reuniting. Tell your child “I’m back. I said I’d be back after ____ and I’m here. I always come back.” Pointing out for your child that you came back for them when you said you would and giving them a big hug or high five, closes the circle of this separation and reinforces their positive experience and the safety they can feel when you drop them off.

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      Find Family Friendly Activities

      Jennifer Rojas: Jennifer Rojas is responsible for conducting our day-to-day business operations; coordinating, facilitating and marketing our online classes; and managing our team of bloggers and blog content to ensure that the Mommybites blog is an important and consistently relevant parenting advice resource. She also manages daily web site updates in order to keep our content fresh and pertinent for our community, manages email marketing, curates social media, and manages client and customer relationships. Jennifer graduated from George Mason University’s Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR) with an M.S. in Conflict Analysis and Resolution. As well as being a conflict resolution and diversity educator, she honed her operational skills during her 10+ years of managing a global eLearning program. She has since escaped the corporate cubicle and currently resides in Tel Aviv with her archaeologist husband, where she enjoys being close to the sea and getting back into life’s natural rhythms.
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