Many parents report feeling unprepared for the obstacles they encounter once the baby’s born, which often causes distress and feelings of discouragement. Books on what to expect can be helpful but the truth is that the baby has not read them. Sometimes the best help you can get is from someone who’s been there before.
Tag: Support

Is My Child Ready for Kindergarten?
Q: One of my children is a summer baby and the other one is born in early fall. It seems that everyone is holding their summer or fall children back in school and starting kindergarten at age 6 instead of 5. Are there good ways to determine if your child should be held back or […]

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: With Vaccinations, My Annual Ladies’ Luncheons Resume
With vaccinations rolling out, social gatherings are starting to get back to normal. Check out Dr. Gramma Karen’s recently rekindled annual Ladies’ Luncheon, where she discusses the effects, good and bad, of the pandemic.

How to Support Parents of Autistic Children
Parents raising children who are autistic face many challenges. The author of this article shares her insight on the best ways to provide support.

What Your Mother Didn’t Teach You about Finding a Bra That Fits
Sponsored Lori Kaplan knows underwear—whether it’s worn by a Broadway star or a new mom. Her 22-year-old company Bra Tenders professionally outfits undergarments—including everything from briefs to girdles—for celebrities like Bette Midler and Brook Shields, and the casts of Gypsy, Hadestown and Mean Girls. From her midtown showroom, she also helps regular women in need […]

This Is How to Hire a Baby Nurse in NYC
Let’s begin with the definition: A baby nurse isn’t technically a nurse. Instead, a baby nurse specializes in caring for—you guessed it—infants. In fact, the International Nanny Association uses the term newborn care specialist to further clarify the individual’s role. So a baby nurse may or may not have nursing training or credentials, but the […]

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Sister Questions a Reconciliation with Her Brother
Sibling relationships can change drastically over time. Check out this reader’s struggle with her sibling, and Dr. Gramma Karen’s expert advice on the future.

Do These 10 Things to Support Moms of Preemies
Parents of premature children have a lot on their plates. Support your preemie mom friends with these ten tips.