Q: One of my children is a summer baby and the other one is born in early fall. It seems that everyone is holding their summer or fall children back in school and starting kindergarten at age 6 instead of 5. Are there good ways to determine if your child should be held back or […]
Author: Amanda Lehrman
Dear Amanda: To Enrich or Not to Enrich?
Dear Amanda is an elementary school teacher and parent of two school age children who provides honest and straightforward advice geared toward all things education. Here’s the twist: she will answer your question as a parent as well as a teacher. These two opinions, while different, can provide a refreshing take on topics we care […]
Dear Amanda: What’s With All The Homework?
Dear Amanda is an elementary school teacher and parent of two school age children who provides honest and straightforward advice geared toward all things education. Here’s the twist: she will answer your question as a parent as well as a teacher. These two opinions, while different, can provide a refreshing take on topics we care […]
Keep ’em Talking Over the Summer
Q: I love that during the school year I can spark conversation by asking my child what she did during the school day. If she doesn’t disclose much, the monthly newsletter and glimpses into her homework folder would give us something educational to discuss. School is almost out, how can I keep the conversations going? […]
Ask Amanda: Continue Learning While School Is Out
Q: With school coming to a close next month, I am afraid the wonderful lessons and learning that took place will be lost on summer fun. How can I keep the learning going when school is not in session? A: This is an easier fix than most parents realize – it just takes some creativity […]
Ask Amanda: The Read Less Travelled
Q: Entering the children’s section of a bookstore or library can be frightening! The shelves of books are endless and at every turn, there is another perfect choice. To avoid confusion and to save time (since I have none of it!), I often grab a well-known selection for my child or for a birthday gift […]
Ask Amanda: Appreciating Literature Creatively
Q: What are some creative ways to keep track of books read at home? I want my children to have a museum of sorts which highlights the wonderful literature they explore both at home and in school. A: With National Read across America Day approaching in early March, it is a perfect time to gear […]
Ask Amanda: Turning Car Trips Into Educational Adventures
Q: With school vacations and cold, wintery days upon us, we take lots of car trips. What is the most engaging way to turn a boring weekend, long car ride or snowy day into a literacy filled educational adventure? Amanda’s answer: There are endless ways to turn any of these situations into an adventure. All […]