The two-to-one nap transition can be a sticky situation for parents. How do you know when to take the leap to one nap? This transition is the toughest of the bunch and takes the longest to work through. Most babies reach a point at which two naps is too many and leaves them bouncing off […]
Tag: Development
From the time you’re expecting, all the way through toddlerhood, and on to kindergarten and beyond, our rich, educational articles, expertly researched and written by experts in their fields, touch upon all stages of your child’s development. No matter what the child development topic you need some advice on, Mommybites has what you’re looking for – from breastfeeding to sleep, from developmental milestones to car seat safety, from picky eaters to special needs and more!

How to Encourage Reading for Pleasure
Most children need to be taught to appreciate reading for pleasure. While some children enjoy reading as soon as they learn how, others are hesitant.

These Are the Proven Benefits of Reading to Babies
People often ask, “When is the best time to start reading to a baby?” The simple answer is, “Right now.” And if you think reading out loud to your wee one is just a way to bond, think again. A local expert details four proven and long-lasting benefits of reading aloud to babies. New parents […]

Is My Child Ready for Kindergarten?
Q: One of my children is a summer baby and the other one is born in early fall. It seems that everyone is holding their summer or fall children back in school and starting kindergarten at age 6 instead of 5. Are there good ways to determine if your child should be held back or […]

Is Your Toddler Exceptional? Here Are the Signs of a Gifted Child
Have you often found yourself wondering, “Is my baby gifted?” Village East Gifted compiled a list, included in this article, of common characteristics of giftedness observed by parents with babies and toddlers between 1 day old and 2 years of age.

Early Childhood Education Guide
The Importance of Teaching Social Skills While academics are a large part of school, there are other factors that will determine the future success of students—especially in our rapidly changing world. Strong social skills, leadership capabilities, and the ability to adapt and think critically are crucial to professional prowess—and should be instilled at a young […]

How Music Helps Infant and Toddler Development
Speech and language pathologists often emphasize music in therapy as a natural way to increase listening skills with infants, toddlers and preschoolers. This article explores why, and provides parents with a few activities they can try at home.

9 Tips for Raising a Special Needs Child
Raising a child with special needs can be stressful and difficult. Remember that you are not alone, and you have so much love and support for you and your little one all around you. Here are some useful tips for parenting a child with special needs.