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This Is How to Plan An Amazing First Family Camping Trip

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    Family vacations create a lifetime of memories in fun destinations. Many parents dream about sharing their love of camping with their children, which might be on your bucket list this year. Learn how to plan your first family camping trip so it goes off without a hitch.

    Camping enthusiasts can use these tips to make any campground a welcoming place for young kids. Think about what your family enjoys and merge it with your favorite camping activities so everyone has a great time while you’re away from home.

    1. Bring Comfort Items

    Kids might feel nervous about sleeping in a tent or even an RV because they’re no longer in their own bed. Being at home makes kids feel safe, so recreate that feeling at your campsite by bringing comfort items. Air mattresses and stuffed animals make it less scary to spend time in nature because kids will feel safe with their favorite things from home.

    2. Plan Familiar Meals

    Food is another easy source of comfort in unfamiliar places. Before you leave home, plan to make meals your kids already love. Consider what makes them excited for dinner and read simple recipes using those foods, like grilled hot dogs or breakfast sandwiches. You can store all of your groceries in your RV’s fridge or a packed cooler so your meals are ready to go when everyone gets hungry.

    3. Prepare for Bugs

    Many kids hate camping because bugs get on their nerves. It happens to everyone, but you can keep pests like mosquitoes away with a little extra preparation. Stock up on bug sprays, repelling essential oils and non-toxic repellants you could keep around your campsite. Even something as simple as a citronella candle will make a significant difference in keeping everyone comfortable.

    4. Discuss Potential Activities

    Sometimes kids also don’t like camping because they don’t know what to expect. They might picture sleeping on the ground and missing their TV. While you plan your first family camping trip, discuss the potential activities everyone can try.

    It’s hard not to get excited about adventuring in a kayak or seeing a waterfall. Talk about competing in squirt gun games or playing flashlight tag. Once they have specific things to look forward to, your kids will be ready to go whenever you start packing the car.

    5. Create a Backup Plan

    Even if everyone’s excited about camping, things can still go wrong. Young kids might cry through the night if they hear wind in the branches or see shadows in the moonlight. Someone could get sick from too much sun exposure or nerves.

    It’s always smart to create a backup plan. Scout affordable hotels near your campsite in addition to restaurants or activities. If your trip turns into a bad experience, you can always find a warm bed or familiar restaurant to ease everyone’s nerves until it’s time to go home.

    Plan Your First Family Camping Trip This Year

    Now that you know how to plan your first family camping trip, start daydreaming about your upcoming trip. Think about what you’ll cook, what your kids might need and how you can keep everyone comfortable at your campsite. These tips will ensure that you don’t forget any crucial details so your whole family has fun during their first camping experience.

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      Cora Gold: Cora's passion is to inspire others to live a happy, healthful, and mindful life through her words on Revivalist – wholeheartedly convincing them that everyday moments are worth celebrating. Cora has spent 5+ years writing for numerous lifestyle sites - hence her sincere love for both life and the beauty of style in all things. Keep up with Cora on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook.
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