Categories: Moms

Kindness is Contagious

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    Hi Everyone!

    Is kindness contagious? As may of you know (because I am constantly jabbering about this) I am forever grateful and humbled by all the complete strangers that have helped me over the years during challenging and difficult parenting moments. Well, it happened again over the long weekend. Because my family and I were the very last people to make our flight to FL, my older son was seated by himself three rows behind us. Now when most people see a harried family come stampeding onto a plane with kids and bags, everyone looks down, pretends to read their magazine and secretly prays the approaching family is not sitting any where near them.

    Well, not the passengers on the JetBlue flight from LaGuardia to Ft. Lauderdale. One man voluntarily jumped up and helped find a place to put my HUGE overhead bag. A woman handed me a bottle of her spare water when my younger son mentioned he was thirsty. The two complete strangers that my older son was sitting in between, not only got him settled with his books, headphones, etc. but took care of him the whole flight (thank you 4A and 4C)! This good-natured vibe continued for the rest of the flight amongst all the passengers.

    So here’s to acts of random kindness propelling even more acts of kindness, to all the children that witness these acts, and to all of us who then pay it forward.

    Best wishes,



    What random act(s) of kindness have you, as a parent, experienced from a stranger?

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      Heather Ouida: Heather co-founded babybites with business partner Laura Deutsch. Heather was a learning specialist where she taught in London for many years as well as at The Dalton School in Manhattan. Heather holds a BA in psychology from Hobart and William Smith Colleges, an MA in child development form Tufts University and acquired her learning specialist degree form York University in England. Heather currently resides in Manhattan her husband, two boys, two fish and pet turtle. Heather’s hobbies include, hot yoga, Nutella eating, writing, Bravo watching, reading and sharing inappropriate jokes with girl friends.
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