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Tag: Relationships
We all need human connection, although we don’t always do our best to cultivate and foster the relationships we value so much. Stable relationships form in infancy. A child’s earliest relationships with caregivers and family members shape her future connections. Read from the Mommybites Relationships archive. From advice for new moms, to marital relations, to relationships within an extended family, you’re sure to find something beneficial.
Why It’s OK to End Toxic Friendships
As a parent of a young child, you teach countless skills daily. But chances are that you aren’t spending enough time teaching your child how to set boundaries, especially when it comes to ending toxic relationships with friends. If this sounds like you, don’t feel bad, you’re not alone. As a life coach for women, […]
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: How to Answer the Question, Is Santa Claus Real?
As we head into the holiday season, many parents and grandparents will be addressing the timeless question about Santa Claus: Is he real? The advice Dr. Gramma Karen
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: An Aunt’s Family Role
In many families, aunts and uncles often play critical roles in the lives of their nieces and nephews and their offspring. Dr. Gramma Karen tapped into her own family to get an accounting of the important roles these two “Favorite Aunties” play.
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: How to Be Calm and Reasonable
A reader asks Dr. Gramma Karen, “Have you always been so calm and reasonable? What advice do you have for those of us who want to be like that, to be less emotional and more like you?” Dr. Gramma Karen shares her helpful advice for keeping cool.
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Stepmother Questions Fairness of What Is Expected of Her
A reader asks Dr. Gramma Karen for advice about being a stepparent and becoming a part of a new family.
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Update on Broken Family Relationships
A reader checks back in to share how the advice she received more than a year ago from Dr. Gramma Karen helped solve her problem.
What Is Monogamy and Is It Realistic?
Monogamy. Mating for life. Is it possible to mate for life and be happy? Yes, but like all things worthwhile you got to work for enduring pleasure and say no to alluring distractions. Not everyone’s cut out for abstaining and restraining.