Brooklyn, the hippest borough on earth, offers uncountable things to do for families. Here are our top five indoor spots to visit with kids in Brooklyn.
Parenting Tips

5 Best Children’s Acting Classes in NYC
It is never too early to introduce our children to the world of theater and what better city in which to do it than NYC! These classes provide our little ones with incredible learning experiences that

Advice for Moving with Children
It’s settled. Plans for your upcoming move are officially in motion. Your current home is on the market; packing boxes stand ready in the wing. You’ve done due diligence; safely whisked away

The Best Baby and Me Exercise Classes in NYC
It’s winter in New York City, but that doesn’t mean it’s too cold to exercise! From time to time you may have seen a mommy (or daddy) working out with a stroller in the streets of the city.

Checklist for Choosing the Right Summer Camp
Sending your kids away to summer camp can be stressful for parents, but with a little due diligence, the experience doesn’t need to cause anxiety. Here’s a helpful checklist to ensure that you choose the right camp for your family, so you can relax and enjoy the summer.

5 Benefits of Yoga for Young Kids
As our babies grow and discover the world we live in, sometimes what accompanies this indoctrination is fear, stress and a feeling of overstimulation. City children, in particular

Preventative Health for the Whole Family
During the fall and winter months, keeping your family healthy is difficult but more important than ever.

Valentine’s Day: reminder of where we are in our lives
Valentine’s Day seems to be a more difficult day for some – and a day that some try to avoid – as it reminds us of the “noise” of where we presently are in our lives.

8 Indoor Play Spaces For Kids in NYC
Winter is in full swing! We seem to get less active during the winter months, but that doesn’t have to be the case for our NYC kiddos.

6 Kids Birthday Party Planning Tips
There’s a lot that has to get done in order to throw a successful birthday party for your child, and almost all of it falls on your shoulders.