“Volunteering” has a permanent place on every list of resolutions I’ve ever made. Now that I have two daughters, I’m even more interested in finding ways to expose them to the concept of ‘giving back’. In this day and age when our kids want for very little, and a bulk of our time is spent […]
Parenting Tips

Parental Foul
Growing up, I was never on a sports team. While my parents encouraged other pursuits and hobbies, athletics was never a focus for my sister and me. Through the years, I would hear stories of games and championships, see trophies and witness bonds between teammates, and I knew that I had missed out on something […]

Urban Cycling With Kids: Gift Or Gamble?
I live in New York City and use a bicycle to get around more frequently than any other mode of transportation. It’s the fastest option to reach most destinations and certainly the most fun. My children join in too, cycling with me to movie theaters, museums and various after school activities. My 6-year-old daughter pedals […]

When They Grow Up
For my daughter’s Kindergarten class this year, I took the lead on the class project for our school auction. Luckily, I had the opportunity to work with ClassicKids Photography on the Upper East side to create a fine arts mural with the theme “When I Grow Up.” Each child was asked to come dressed to […]

Quality Seafood at Beebo
Finding a seafood restaurant that features more than fried calamari and stuffed clams is hard to come by in Brooklyn. Or at least it is in South Brooklyn. Now, there may be another good reason to sit on the R train to Bay Ridge (other than Century 21 and lots of pubs) – Beebo Seafood […]

February Sweet Deals
Ahhh… February in New York. The month of snow (OK, and some slush); the month of Valentine’s Day; the month of love. Whether you are a lover or hater of this Hallmark-inspired holiday, one thing’s for certain: once you become a parent and you receive your first “I Love You – Be My Valentine” card […]

Having a toddler: opened my eyes to the joy of being love
As parents, I’ve realized we grow up with our children. Having a toddler has opened my eyes to the joy of being love in everything I do. Logan’s favorite activity is the slide at the local playground. As I watched him run and jump one day, with every move the careful mommy was afraid and […]

Traumatic Brain Injury and Orthopedic Impairments
Many children have different health issues caused by brain and spinal cord injuries and brain tumors, as well as orthopedic impairments. I have written in previous blogs about children with Other Health Impairments (OHI) and explained that the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) uses (OHI) as one of the 14 classifications for children with chronic […]

A Simple Plan
All my life, I’ve been a planner. I have a calendar in my kitchen, filled with scribbled entries made in pen, pencil and marker. The kitchen calendar is calibrated with the school calendar and the one on my phone. I refer to all of them, constantly. Ever since moving into the city over 20 years […]

The Learning Curve: Language Immersion for Babies
Sophia and I have recently started taking mommy and baby Italian classes together. “But, she’s only nine months!” And, “She doesn’t even speak ENGLISH yet!” are a couple of the reoccurring comments I find myself fielding. While many of our family and friends are excited for us and eager to hear what we learn each […]