This past Monday, a group of moms and grandmoms met at the Max Brenner Chocolate Bar in the Garden State Plaza in Paramus, NJ, for a Mommybites BERGEN live event facilitated by Dr. Karen Rancourt, Ph.D., Mommybites columnist for Ask Dr. Gramma Karen and the author of Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Helping Young Parents and […]
Tag: Development
The Ultimate Parenting Question
As I’ve sat in my office counseling parents, had heart-to-hearts with friends in the preschool parking lot, and muddled through my own share of perplexing parenting moments, it has struck me that an important parenting question – perhaps the ultimate parenting question – is how do we balance discipline and acceptance in our child-rearing? Where […]
Programs to Help Children Get the Most Out of Summer
Summer is fast approaching, and parents know that all that free time can be challenging to fill. We’re often asked how to organize summer plans that allow children to improve academic skills, or prepare for the social challenges of the next school year – and still be kids and have fun. The good news is […]
Mother’s Day 2014 Deals
We at Mommybites happen to think Mother’s Day is pretty much the best “holiday” ever. So, in honor of this special day, we thought we would share a few quotes about being a mother: When your mother asks, “Do you want a piece of advice?” it’s a mere formality. It doesn’t matter if you answer […]
Spring Fever for Families in Transition
Whatever your spring holiday tradition, Easter baskets, Passover or celebrating the Vernal Equinox, for families in transition, it can be a time when tensions run high, patience runs low, and the appetite for creating a perfect holiday may exceed the ability to produce an emotionally balanced meal that suits everyone’s tastes. Holidays conjure up the […]
Peaceful Parenting: Workshop Re-Cap
In case you missed it, Mommybites Bergen hosted one of its signature in-person events last week, which brought moms together for lunch, socializing and important parenting information. The Peaceful Parenting event featured expert Dr. Kevin Brennan, Clinical Psychologist and Parent Coach, and focused on how to remove frustration and anger from the tough job of […]
Play is Critical to Healthy Brain Development
How do young children learn? The unanimous answer is that they learn by playing. Child Development specialists such as Vivian Gussin Paley, Erik Erikson and Jean Piaget all support that children need to play for the healthy development of their brains. While children are playing with hands-on-material or toys, this helps them to learn. The […]
Tips to Limit Technology Use for Teens
Limiting teen use of technology can be overwhelming, but creating consistent rules is crucial. If you are not sure where to start, read some of the tips below for some helpful guidance. 1. Set a “technology curfew” where phones are given to parents at a certain time or placed to charge out of the child’s […]
The Male Nanny Trend in New York City
Here we are again. Male nannies are back in the news and the debate rages on. It’s been ongoing ever since Britney Spears hired a “manny” back in 2006 when it became (and continues to be) a trend amongst celebrities. Every few years a manny article will create a short-lived media buzz that eventually dies […]
When Does Moving Make Sense?
Debating a move from the city to the suburbs? Here’s why we like the preschool years! You’ve debated it over and over, from the minute you found out you were pregnant until now. Should you move to the ‘burbs? You’ve heard every side of the argument, from the gym buddy who vowed never to go […]