Welcome to our new Meet the Experts weekly blog! We have found that we have been lucky enough to really get to know all the wonderful and talented speakers, writers and experts that are part of Mommybites. In addition to speaking and writing about their areas of expertise, they also have incredible journeys, life advice, […]
Tag: Education
Meet the Experts: Debbie Pincus
Welcome to our new Meet the Experts weekly blog! We have found that we have been lucky enough to really get to know all the wonderful and talented speakers, writers and experts that are part of Mommybites. In addition to speaking and writing about their areas of expertise, they also have incredible journeys, life advice, […]
Preschool in NYC: Remember to Breathe
Pre-school. Lottery. Wait list. Utter those words out loud within range of any NYC parent and you will no doubt get a response… and most likely not a pleasant one. With a newly two year old at home, we are in the first stages of thinking about where she’ll go to pre-school and pre-k in […]
Enjoy the Ride – One Mom’s Journey to Finding the Perfect NYC School
By Renee Sullivan, parent coach and Founder of The Moms Groups Ask any mom in New York City about the process of finding a school for their child, and I’m sure you’ll get some visceral reaction ranging from a giant enunciated sigh to a heated debate, to some crazy story about “the process” – […]
Enhancing Early Development Through Play
On the topic of enhancing early development through play, our speakers were the team from Jumping Jax who gave their unique perspectives as a speech therapist, occupational therapist and physical therapist. Here were two questions that came up during the sessions: Bilingual Households Q: I speak English to my child and my husband speaks Spanish: […]
This Is Everything Moms Need to Know about ERB Testing
For many NYC parents, getting their child into a top choice elementary school has become a high stake, high anxiety process. With approximately 10,000 admission spots at all private nursery and continuing schools combined and more than several hundred thousand children under the age of five living in Manhattan alone, the competition can best be […]
Nursery School Admissions Seminar Wrap Up
We had a great time on Tuesday night at NY PEAS informative talking on navigating the nursery school admissions process. They talked us through the facts, gave us some pointers and provided us with some useful next steps. They did NOT frighten us with scare tactics or whip us into an admissions frenzy. Having heard […]