Welcome to our new Meet the Experts weekly blog! We have found that we have been lucky enough to really get to know all the wonderful and talented speakers, writers and experts that are part of Mommybites. In addition to speaking and writing about their areas of expertise, they also have incredible journeys, life advice, […]
Parenting Tips
Ruth Rea Family Garden – NY Botanical Garden
Like many city dwellers, we lack access to outdoor space in terms of a backyard, balcony or even a windowsill! So when my daughter expressed an interest in gardening, I was stumped. Luckily, I came across the Ruth Rea Family Garden at the NY Botanical Garden and we were blown away by the wide variety […]
Meet the Experts: Dr. Karen Rancourt
Welcome to our new Meet the Experts weekly blog! We have found that we have been lucky enough to really get to know all the wonderful and talented speakers, writers and experts that are part of Mommybites. In addition to speaking and writing about their areas of expertise, they also have incredible journeys, life advice, […]
Meet the Experts: Debbie Pincus
Welcome to our new Meet the Experts weekly blog! We have found that we have been lucky enough to really get to know all the wonderful and talented speakers, writers and experts that are part of Mommybites. In addition to speaking and writing about their areas of expertise, they also have incredible journeys, life advice, […]
Preschool in NYC: Remember to Breathe
Pre-school. Lottery. Wait list. Utter those words out loud within range of any NYC parent and you will no doubt get a response… and most likely not a pleasant one. With a newly two year old at home, we are in the first stages of thinking about where she’ll go to pre-school and pre-k in […]
Staying You with Toddler in Tow
Our first born recently turned two years old, and it is such fun listening to her pronounce new words, and each day discover something amazing about this world we live in. She is becoming her own little person before our eyes, and it’s a joy to behold. Well… most of the time. Her insatiable curiosity, […]
Carrying Your Baby Around the City
Hi Mommybites world – I am so honored to be a member of this community both as a fellow mom and as a contributor to the blog. So with that, let’s get talking! Getting around with kids of all ages in New York City is a unique experience. I’m not always one for sports references, […]
MamaDramaNY Review: NO PLACE TO GO
Last Thursday, I had a date night!!! An incredibly long overdue date night with my husband to go see NO PLACE TO GO at Joe’s Pub. I hadn’t been to Joe’s Pub before and the last time my husband was there was to see Astrud Gilberto almost 10 years ago. So we were excited for this treat and the much anticipated show lauded in the New York Times just that day.
MamaDramaNY Review: The Lady From Dubuque
Wow! What a ride from Edward Albee – the depths of darkness in Act I to denial’s lighter side in Act II. The Signature Theater’s masterful production of Albee’s “The Lady from Dubuque” had comparative tones from his play, “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf” – in his classic setting of a living room and drinks flowing freely.
Enjoy the Ride – One Mom’s Journey to Finding the Perfect NYC School
By Renee Sullivan, parent coach and Founder of The Moms Groups Ask any mom in New York City about the process of finding a school for their child, and I’m sure you’ll get some visceral reaction ranging from a giant enunciated sigh to a heated debate, to some crazy story about “the process” – […]