Meet the Experts: Dana Rosenbloom

Welcome to our new Meet the Experts weekly blog! We have found that we have been lucky enough to really get to know all the wonderful and talented speakers, writers and experts that are part of Mommybites. In addition to speaking and writing about their areas of expertise, they also have incredible journeys, life advice, and stories to share. We hope you will enjoy getting to know them as much as we have!

This week’s Expert:  Dana Rosenbloom, M.S. Ed.






Q: Tell us a little about you (your background, your job, what makes you tick or anything else you think our Mommybites moms will find interesting).

A: I’ve been working with children and families for over 10 years.  As a child I knew I wanted to work with children, but I thought it would be in pediatrics.  As I got older and spent time “on the floor” with children, I knew that was where I had to be.  I took every opportunity I could to learn with and from young children.  I’ve been a nanny, run day camps and parent support groups, taught in early childhood classroom, and worked individually with parents and children, both typically developing and those with special needs, from birth to age 10.  My work is my passion and truly feeds my soul.  I hope to bring the same joy to families.

Q: What or who inspires you?

A: Children inspire me!  Children are enthusiastic, inquisitive, open-minded, and willing to experiment without reservation.  There is nothing more inspiring than a hug from a child who is proud of an accomplishment or simply glad to see you.  I’m also lucky to have a wonderful family and dog, who inspire me as well.

Q: What is your best piece of parenting advice?

A: Get to know your child.  Spend time thinking about what makes them tick.  Watch them as they interact with you, with others, and with the world around them.  Do they like to be held while you dance to music or prefer to have you speak to them quietly about what is happening in their environment?  When it comes to discipline do they need a firm tone or just a gentle reminder?  Ask the other people who care for your child to do the same.  Then use what you’ve learned to inform your parenting.

Q: What’s the worst piece of parenting advice you have heard?

A: “You have to _____.”  I believe that each child and family is unique.  Just because something works for a friend doesn’t mean it has to work the same way for you.  I am the first person to recommend that parents surround themselves with support.  Support is invaluable.  That being said, it makes me sad to see a parent who feels defeated because someone told them there was something they “must do,” and it just isn’t working for them.  Be open to advice, but think about who you are, who your child is, and what you each need.  Then try things till you find something that works, and feels comfortable, for you.

Q: What’s the most common question you are asked by parents?

A: “How do I stop the tantrums?” and “How does he/she look (relating to their development)?” are tied for most common.

Q: What are some of your favorite T.V. shows? Books? Foods?

A: I love HGTV.  Cooking, trying new foods and restaurants are a big part of my life.  I love spending time with my dog at the park, and with my family at the beach.  They are two places that make me feel at peace.

Q: What parenting books do you most recommend to parents?

A: I’m always cautious about recommending books to parents because ideally, I’d like parents have their questions answered individually, in a way that reflects their unique characteristics.  That being said:

General Child Development/Milestone- Anything by T. Berry Brazelton-  “Touchpoints: Birth to 3” and “To Listen to a Child” are favorites.

Louise Bates Ames coauthors a series of books covering each year of life.

Siblings- Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish- “Siblings Without Rivalry”

Special Needs- Stanley Greenspan- “The Challenging Child” and “The Child With Special Needs”

Understanding Sensory Integration- Carol Stock Kranowitz- “The Out-of-Sync Child”

The truth is I could go on.  But again, I’m hesitant because not every child or family fits in to a specific mold and I believe that’s AOK.

Q: What are some of your favorite parenting products?

A: Spending time with your partner, massages, babysitters, quality time with friends, educative and supportive schools, parenting workshops. I believe that if a parent feels taken care of, they are better able to care for, and be present with, their child.

Q: If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

A: I’d probably want to try being the chef/owner of a restaurant.  I love to cook and host.  Helping people spend quality time together, with food and an environment that warms the heart and soul, would be great!

Q: What’s up next for your professionally?

A: I’ll be continuing to offer support and guidance for families and children who need me, both individually and through workshops. I’m going to use the summer to take some courses in new behavioral techniques, as well as continuing to develop and write for my website, as well as some others.


Dana‘s Contact information:

Company Name: Dana’s Kids

Website link:

Email address:

Facebook page link:

Twitter handle: @DJRKids

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