Welcome to our Local Yokel blog! Each month, we will be highlighting a local New York business that we know you will find inspirational. You’ll learn tidbits such as how they support the local community and economy, their advice and reflections on being business owners, tips on work-life balance, and even what some of their […]
Parenting Tips

The Evolution of a Working Mom
Before having kids, I loved my career. I was a Recruiter, and enjoyed my small company and colleagues, the feeling of satisfaction in finding someone the perfect job and the great commissions! I worked alongside one of my best friends and seldom dreaded Monday mornings. When I was pregnant, I couldn’t fathom being a stay […]

How to Handle Your Toddler’s Tantrums
Toddler tantrums are stressful enough without the added pressure of dealing with loud, dramatic meltdowns on the crowded streets of New York! Luckily, Dr. Sarah Klagsbrun offered Mommybites some wonderful tips on how to deal with Toddler Tantrums in her amazing video. Here are some highlights from that video. That is a tantrum? A tantrum […]

Forced to Unplug
The other day I sat down in front of my laptop to get a bunch of stuff done. I needed to order a Halloween costume, reserve a book at the library, pay a bill and email pictures to a friend. As I tried repeatedly to get online, I kept getting an error message saying the […]

Strengthening Your Post-Baby Marriage
Having a baby is hard on a marriage! There I said it. OK, we’ve all heard the research that – counter to popular belief – having a baby often decreases marital satisfaction (at least for the first few years anyway). Lack of sleep, finding balance and feeling overwhelmed, all while living in the often chaotic […]

Expectant Moms’ Night Out
Last Thursday, Mommybites held an expectant mom event held at COCO-MAT on Mercer Street. The party was generously sponsored by Motorola, so over 30 expectant moms were able to come and enjoy the evening at no cost! Rebecca (of Mommybites) and I ran the event, and when we walked into COCO-MAT we were floored by […]

Retirement, NYC Style
I’ve been living in Manhattan for over 15 years. In this time, I’ve lived in three apartments, all within a five-block radius on the Upper East Side. With each of the moves, I’ve been lucky to upgrade. I started out with a ground floor, dark studio where the futon was my bed and couch. I […]

Sh*tty Mom
Sh*tty Mom is insightful, honest and gives great tips on useful parenting subjects such as “How to Hand off the Newborn Who Just Filled a Diaper.” It’s being called “hysterical” and even “criminally funny.” I don’t get it. Why call it anything but, “about f*cking time”? (For the mom standing there holding your just-crapped-in-its-diaper baby […]

Under the Sea: Finding Nemo Lessons
Finding Nemo is a Walt Disney Picture and Pixar animated film. It is such a brilliant movie, which has so many life lessons in it. I am a huge believer in teaching kids lessons and principles visually. It’s almost like you can see the light bulb go off in their heads as they connect the […]

New Perspective: Taking Health for Granted
I have a Type A personality. By nature, I’m just one of those annoyingly organized people who naturally multitasks at all times. Like most moms last week, I was faced with endless school supply lists, mandatory shoe shopping, and a general frenzy in trying to coordinate the logistics of after-school schedules for my daughters. I […]