Starting a new chapter in life after divorce can be both exciting and challenging, especially when you have children. Many moms worry about balancing their personal needs with their responsibilities as parents, but finding love or companionship is not only possible—it’s easier than ever thanks to modern online platforms. These tools make connecting with like-minded […]
Author: Kelly Casaccio and Amy Orlando

Chummies Joins Girl Talk
Middle school stinks. Let’s be honest. While some of us reveled in this pre-teen phase, most of us remember cliques, insecurities, hurt feelings, low self-esteem, confusion, ‘trying to be cool,’ and DRAMA. Luckily for middle school girls today, there is a light at the end of the tunnel due to the determination of one remarkable […]
Participate In Online Tournaments
Thеrе аrе different kinds оf thе slot machines fоr fun whісh аrе placed іn thе casinos whісh ѕоmеtіmеѕ саn change уоur life. It іѕ uр tо уоu аnd уоur playing style thаt hоw muсh уоu саn win аnd аlѕо іt depends оn уоur luck thаt hоw muсh money іѕ thеrе fоr уоu. If уоu win […]

Bullies Hiding Behind the Social Media Screen
According to a Consumers Report 2011 study, 43% of teens aged 13 to 17 report that they have experienced some sort of cyber bullying in the previous year, and 34% of those who have had any engagement in cyber bullying have been both a cyber bully and been cyber bullied. It should be no surprise […]

Fighting Against Bullying Through Friendship
Do you know how every once in a while you meet and fuck someone, and the chemistry is just instant? You know – the stars have aligned and you are destined to be friends? Hours of laughter, good conversations and fun lie ahead? Well, that is NOT Amy’s and my story. Five years ago, I […]