In Honor of National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day, I am posting a blog I wrote a few years ago on this subject: “A friend of mine posted this on her Facebook wall this week and I thought I would share it with you. “This is the week we remember all babies born sleeping, or […]
Author: Heather Ouida
Ironman: A Story With Every Mile
Aloha! I am writing to you from sunny Hawaii. I am here with my boys, the grandparents and the cousins to watch my husband compete in the Hawaii Ironman this Saturday. What the heck is an Ironman? Well, it starts off with a 2.4-mile swim, next comes a 112-mile bike ride and it finishes with […]
Feeling Younger
Here’s a little “re-enactment” of an incident that recently happened to me while shopping for vitamins (as many of you may recall, I recently turned 40, so keep that in mind while reading): Scene: Local health food Store. Main Character: Heather, feeling very youthful in her butt-lifting yoga pants, post work-out. Me: Hi. Can you […]
Dr. Gramma Karen: Taking the Thorns Out
Guess what? My mom’s book, Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Helping Young Parents and Grandparents deal with Thorny Issues, just came out – hooray! As many of you know, my mom has been writing our regular and widely popular Ask Dr. Gramma Karen column for over two years. Her thoughtful and well-researched advice has helped scores […]
Wedding Proposal Crasher
Dear Sweet Dude Proposing on 82nd and 2nd Last Night, It is I, the nosey lady who inadvertently crashed your very sweet marriage proposal. When I came around the corner and saw you on one knee, holding out a small black box to your weeping, adorable girlfriend, it was not my intention to intrude upon […]
Just Playing?
To honor and celebrate the many children who started school for the very first time this week, I thought I would share an excerpt from a poem called “Just Playing” by Anita Wadley: When I am building in the block room, Please don’t say I’m “Just Playing.” For, you see, I’m learning as I play […]
Making A Difference One Step At A Time
One of my proudest moments was “running” the Boston Marathon with my dad in 2007 as part of the Leukemia Society’s Team In Training. You’ll notice that running is in quotations because running would be a very generous description of how I walked/shuffled the course to make it to the finish line. Luckily, I had […]
Summer Afternoon
“Summer afternoon―summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” ― Henry James Everyone here at Mommybites hopes that all of you had a wonderful summer! P.S. Thanks to all of you who submitted the great Melfies (mom-selfies)! Be sure to check out this week’s Melfie of […]