In honor of April’s Child Abuse Prevention Month we would like to re-publish an interview that Mommybites Co-Founder, Heather Ouida, did with sexual abuse prosecutor Jill Starishevsky. This interview was originally published in New York Family Magazine: My Body Belongs To Me: Protecting Children from Sexual Predators A few years ago, Jill Starishevsky, a prosecutor […]
Author: Jennifer Rojas

Preventing Picky Eaters: Teleclass Re-cap
Picky eating is a common issue facing parents – so common that many of us just resign ourselves to it! But there are ways to prevent it. In our recent teleclass, expertly facilitated by Amy Marlow, registered dietitian and mom of three, and generously sponsored by Happy Family, participants learned steps you can take – from pregnancy to […]

Moms’ Legal Rights in the Work Place: Teleclass Re-Cap
Pregnancy discrimination is illegal in every state in the union, yet it is thriving in workplaces all across the country. Many companies treat pregnancy as an inconvenience that costs them time and money. Too often, employers fire women when they become pregnant, or deceive them into resigning by misrepresenting the law, refuse to accommodate their […]

5 Tips for a Low-Sugar Halloween
Growing up, I loved Halloween. Unlike other kids, though, I wasn’t crazy about Halloween because of all the candy I could get, (that my mom would then hide away and dole out as rewards throughout the year) but more because of the fact that we got to dress up and go knock on our neighbors’ […]

Preparing for the First Three Months: Teleclass Re-Cap
During this tip-filled teleclass, expert Dana Rosenbloom shared practical information on topics such as bathing a newborn without feeling like you need to be an octopus; including healthy sleep habits from the start; how to make tummy time comfortable for a baby who hates being on her belly; and whether you can really hold your […]

Building Your Labor and Delivery Tool Kit: Teleclass Recap
In case you missed this highly informative teleclass, presented by doula and prenatal specialist Deb Flashenberg, you can find a recording of the class here. During the teleclass, Deb recommended this article and suggested these videos as some great resources for expecting moms. She also provided the following tips (originally posted on her blog) to […]

Tips for Helping your Nanny be the Best for Your Family: Teleclass Recap
In case you missed this highly informative teleclass, presented by Tammy Gold, here is a link to the recorded class. If you have any questions, please free free to contact our expert, Tammy Gold, via her Facebook page and visit her web site. Here are some tips on forging a positive relationship with your Caregiver […]

Tips on School Separation
Start the School Year off Right Teleclass Re-cap If you missed this informative teleclass on preparing yourself and your child for the start of the school year, you can listen to a recording of the class here. In this teleclass, some of what expert Dana Rosenbloom of Dana’s Kids discussed were ways to separate and establish […]