For those of you who missed this wonderful teleclass, presented by Adelaide Lancaster, here is a link to the taped class and discussion on Lean in Or Lean Out: A Discussion on Sheryl Sandberg’s Controversial book, “Lean In”. Whether you work out of the home full or part-time or are at stay a home mom working […]
Author: Jennifer Rojas

Redefining Your Professional Identity After Raising A Family: Teleclass Recap
For those of you who missed this wonderful teleclass, generously sponsored by Macaroni Kid and presented by Pamela Weinberg, here is a link to the taped class on redefining your professional identity after raising a family. Specific tips were covered on how to begin the process of re-entering the workforce. The focus was on those […]

Tips For Talking With Children About Tragedy
In light of yesterday’s shocking events in Boston, we thought it would be helpful to re-share some useful guidelines on how to talk with your children when public tragedies such as this occur. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by this catastrophe. Thank you to Dr. Gerard Costa, PhD, at […]

How to Be a Scream Free Parent: Teleclass Recap
In case you missed this extremely helpful teleclass, presented by Debbie Pincus, here is a link to the taped class on Scream Free Parenting. Please check out Debbie’s special offer for private in-person or phone/Sype sessions on Calm Parenting for Mommybites moms! Debbie, a family therapist for over 30 years, presented her most effective philosophy […]

Keeping Your Child Safe From Predators: Teleclass Re-cap
In case you missed this important and informative teleclass, presented by Jill Starishevsky, here is a link to the taped class on Keeping Your Children Safe From Predators. During the teleclass, Jill discussed The Innocence Revolution and how we can all get involved. Jill helps parents educate their children about the issue of molestation on […]

Our Holiday Wishes for You
Sometimes there just are no words. As moms (and dads), there is a thread of connection and understanding that binds us all, no matter if our kids are at preschool on the Upper East Side of NYC or learning how to count in a partially-thatched mud hut in Zimbabwe. There are no words to describe […]

Holiday Gifts for Caregivers
As we all know, oftentimes it truly does “take a village” to care for our growing children. ‘Tis the season – so you may find yourself wondering what the best or most appropriate way to thank your nanny or babysitter at the holidays might be. Have no fear – Urban Sitter went forth to find […]

Finding Gratitude in Tragedy
The past week has reminded us how life can turn on a dime. Our routines can be humming along when catastrophe strikes suddenly. Between the horrific human-inflicted tragedy on the UWS and Mother Nature’s unleash of Hurricane Sandy, we’ve taken quite a hit in a short amount of time. For those who were directly affected […]