In honor of National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month, we want to provide you with these very helpful tips that were recently compiled and shared with Mommybites by Jean McPhee, Ph.D., a Child and Adolescent Psychologist for UrbanSitter. Here are some proactive steps you can take to reduce the chances that your child will be bullied: 1. Make a […]
Author: Jennifer Rojas
Jennifer Rojas is responsible for conducting our day-to-day business operations; coordinating, facilitating and marketing our online classes; and managing our team of bloggers and blog content to ensure that the Mommybites blog is an important and consistently relevant parenting advice resource. She also manages daily web site updates in order to keep our content fresh and pertinent for our community, manages email marketing, curates social media, and manages client and customer relationships. Jennifer graduated from George Mason University’s Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR) with an M.S. in Conflict Analysis and Resolution. As well as being a conflict resolution and diversity educator, she honed her operational skills during her 10+ years of managing a global eLearning program. She has since escaped the corporate cubicle and currently resides in Tel Aviv with her archaeologist husband, where she enjoys being close to the sea and getting back into life’s natural rhythms.

Post-Baby Finances 101: Teleclass Re-cap
Last week, we hosted a teleclass on getting a handle on your finances now that you’re “plus one.” Our expert speaker was Dahlia Peyser, Vice President, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management. Dahlia went over everything that new parents need to know about getting their finances in check now that baby has arrived! Topics included the following: Best ways […]