Post-baby relationships can go through rough terrain as stress increases, alignments shift and expectations change. These transitions are natural and normal, but will need careful attention. They will require each person to grow oneself up in order to successfully navigate through the rocky roads of post-baby relationships. Last week, we held an important and enlightening […]
Author: Jennifer Rojas

Navigating the Gluten-Free Holidays. Cookies and Candies and Treats, Oh My! Teleclass Re-cap
The holidays are full of dietary pitfalls for even the most careful eater. But those goodies can spell trouble for anyone, especially kids, suffering from celiac disease or other gluten-related problems. We recently held a highly informative and helpful teleclass on this topic, generously sponsored by NYU Langone Medical Center and expertly presented by Ayelet Schieber, pediatric RD, […]

Parenting 101: What New and Expectant Parents Should Know – Teleclass Re-cap
Since we rarely get the opportunity to ask all the questions we want, and our time is often limited and even rushed, imagine having a dedicated hour with a pediatrician to get ALL your burning new mom questions answered! Participants were in luck when one of the country’s top pediatricians from Weill Cornell Medical Associates […]

Happy Thanksgiving to Our Mommybites Community
As Thanksgiving rolls around again – whether you’re staying close to home or hitting the highways and sky-ways; if you’re honoring old customs or starting new family traditions; whether you’re about to be a first-time mom, your baby just started teething, your toddler just threw his first tantrum, your pre-schooler learned to write her name […]

New Resource for Parents: BIBB Magazine
As you know Mommybites is the go-to community for quality parenting resources, support and education so when we met the BIBB Magazine team during the ABC Kids Expo…and then saw their beautiful magazine, we just had to share with you! Built by entrepreneurs and fueled by a passion for working with baby and kids brands, […]

Potty Training Advice for Every Stage: Teleclass Re-cap
Knowledge is power! So last week, we held a fun and informative teleclass in partnership with Happy Family and DeeandDoo. Dr. Lynne Kenney expertly walked us through how to take the stress out of potty training with fun filled facts and activities. Dr. Kenney covered such topics as the ideal age to potty train, the use […]

From Sniffles to Stitches: Caring for Your Child’s Health – Teleclass Re-cap
As a parent, your child’s health is of the utmost importance. This week, we held a very important and informative teleclass on caring for your child’s health, generously sponsored by Pager and expertly presented by Kim Henderson, MD, JD, experienced emergency medicine physician and loving mom. Dr. Henderson offered guidance to help you keep your […]

Breastfeeding Basics: Teleclass Re-Cap
We recently held an enlightening and helpful teleclass for expectant and new moms, generously sponsored by Lansinoh and expertly presented by Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC), Gina Ciagne. Gina covered such topics as preparing for breastfeeding before baby arrives, tips to overcome some of the most common breastfeeding issues – like engorgement and milk supply concerns, […]