If you live in the city of Toledo and you’re still buying produce via conventional agriculture, you might want to rethink that choice. Or if you live in any of the areas affected by blue-green algae blooms, you might want to start voting with your dollars and buy local organic regenerative agriculture. The cost of […]
Author: jillianburne

Food Fight
A recent New York Post article sparked a food fight. If you missed it, you can read it here. Naomi Schaefer Riley uses Julie Gunlock’s new book to back up her claims that the organic mommy mafia embodies “arrogance and class snobbery” and is an “outgrowth of helicopter parenting.” Throughout the article words like “harassed,” […]

Savvy Mothers Provide Better Health Outcomes
In the United States, many processed foods contain Round-Up ready soy and corn that has been modified to produce several varieties of BT proteins, which act as insecticides within the plant. There is no way to wash off either from our food – both Round-Up ready pesticides and BT proteins are contained within the plant […]

How Moms Can Have A Global Impact
It’s the little things Mothers do everyday that count. Clipping toenails, folding laundry, washing little faces; the bedtime songs and stories. The hours spent tossing a football or cheering from the sidelines. Every little thing we do as Mothers adds up. We are so immensely powerful – every decision we make from the time we […]