On more than one occasion I’ve heard my pre-schooler exclaim: “I love Kale!” or “Spinach is my favorite food!” This is typically followed by a statement that she will eat salad when she is seven, or some other very arbitrary age, date or time in the future. So, while my daughter loves to help me […]
Author: Lauren Stein

Skewered Snacks and Sides
Sometime last year, my preschooler went through a toothpick phase. We didn’t need a fork or spoon – a toothpick was our preferred utensil. I was happy to accommodate the request so long as she remained willing to spear blueberries, cantaloupe, strawberries and even peas at mealtime. I was reminded again recently that skewers are […]

Farmer’s Market Dinner Challenge
I’m guilty of wandering the farmer’s market on a sunny afternoon just because it makes me happy, haphazardly making purchases from the stacks of ripe fruits and overflowing bins of vegetables. And then, I find myself at home in my kitchen with an array of gorgeous, local goodies that make absolutely no sense together. Now […]