Game day! Time to make sure the kids are fed properly in order to replace all of the calories they are about to burn! However, there is one small issue – the game is at 7am in Westchester, a little more than an hour away. When it comes to my child’s nutrition, I would call […]
Author: Melissa Pizirusso

Winning: Is it Really All About the Medal?
Checking out the social media pages over this past weekend, I was so impressed and happy to see how successful my friends children are at the sports they play. Whether it be basketball tournaments, soccer, roller hockey or ice hockey, these kids are all superstars. So many of them wore medals around their necks, made […]

Time to Wake Up: Do We Overwork Our Kids?
It is 8 o’ clock in the evening on a Tuesday. A time when many people are putting their children to bed, preparing for the next work day. Homework is packed in bookbags, the children are reading a novel in their beds, awaiting lights out, having already showered and bathed. Lunch for the next day […]