After the tricking and treating, Halloween night is over, and the kids are in bed; the clocks will rewind one hour. November 1, 2020, is when daylight saving time ends.
Author: rebeccakempton

Should White Noise Be Used to Make Infants Sleep?
As a mom of three, I have experienced the miracles of white noise firsthand. One particular 3:00 a.m. crying episode from my first baby ended abruptly once I revved up my hair dryer. As a pediatric sleep specialist, I recommend white noise for all sleep periods for the following four reasons: Why does white noise […]

Seven Sleep Tips for Traveling with a Baby
The holiday travel season is in full swing, and parents are wondering how they are going to get their baby to sleep well despite the breaks in routine. Traveling with a baby – across town or across the country – can be a daunting task, especially as a new parent.

Let Dads Be Dads
When I talk to clients about their sleep goals for their family, I often hear from Mom some variation of this request: “I want anyone to be able to put my baby to sleep, not just me!” or “My husband really wants to help, but my baby will only let ME put him to sleep” or […]

10 Reasons to Make Sleep a Priority
So you have given up caramel mocchacinos, bought a gym membership, and even jumped on the “be kind” bandwagon. But have you thought about adding improving your family’s sleep patterns to your New Year’s resolutions? Maybe you think sleep should just come naturally and is not something you can change. That’s a myth. Based on […]

Ten Sleep Tips for Traveling with Tots
When a friend told me she packs a suitcase full of her daughterʼs favorite stuffed animals when they travel, I wasn’t surprised. My family resembles a traveling caravan at airports as we transport all our gear. With young children, you have to be prepared. Last spring, our three-hour nonstop flight from Mexico turned into an […]

Five Sleep Tips for Those Troublesome Tots
Let’s face it, it’s not easy being a toddler. After all, they are busy acquiring language; they run, jump, and bounce boundlessly; and they make demands… lots of them! Not surprisingly, their batteries need recharging both day and night. Through age five, most toddlers require 12-14 hours of sleep daily and usually nap until they […]