At one point or another all moms struggle with their kids’ eating. Kids eat well, then they stop; their food preferences change in the blink of an eye; some are little foodies; others eat to survive. Feeding becomes a job — often a hard one. Not all moms, however, really know their child’s physiology, the […]
Author: Renata

Pumpkin Time
Fall is definitely Pumpkin Time. But those so familiar symbols of autumn, Halloween and Thanksgiving have also a number of not so familiar health benefits. Pumpkins vary greatly in shape, size and colours, but generally they all have golden-yellow to orange flesh. Pumpkins are one of the most low calorie vegetables – a 100 g […]

Natural Food Colorings
Today more than ever, we live on fast and processed food. We get caught up in the convenience, the simplicity, the ease, the attractiveness and tend to easily disregard the nutritional value and the hidden dangers that go with all of these. From evil fast food to some “healthy” foods, to juices or candies, to […]

Back to Nature for Better Health
Nowadays we are constantly reminded how important good probiotics, digestive enzymes and vitamins are. No doubt consumed as part of natural products, all these are a lot more beneficial to the body than taken as supplements full of synthetic ingredients and additives. Lacto-fermented foods are real, nourishing, packed with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and beneficial bacteria […]

Rosemary: The Herb Of Affection
Rosemary is a charming shrub. Its Latin name Rosmarinus means dew-of-the-sea, probably because rosemary generally grows well by the seashore. It can reach about 1.5-3 meters in height. Its bushy stems and downy young shoots are covered with about 2 cm of long, narrow, needle-like aromatic leaves; dark green on top and grayish underneath with […]

The Holiday Season: Make it Different
It is December and people of all religions, cultures and walks of life are looking forward to celebrate the coming of a new year. No matter how we look at it, this holiday season really is the best time of the year – time to reflect on goals, accomplishments and sometimes failures; to make plans; […]