Every year, it’s the same. When chilly November rolls around, I’m pumped for the holiday season – ready to shop, bake and enjoy the festivities with my daughter and relatives.
Author: Sarah Bregel

Think Yourself Healthy in 2013
It’s not too late for a healthy 2013! New Year’s has come and gone and unfortunately, so have many of our resolutions. Statistics show that by now, most have either ditched their vows to eat healthy and lose weight altogether or have fallen a bit too far off course. So perhaps we’ve been approaching this all […]

Avoiding Seasonal Weight Gain: 5 Tips
It’s that time of year-when the cold sets in and all you want to do is cozy up on the couch and not budge until Spring. I know it all too well. Once the comfy clothes are on, you forget your gym membership exists and that jeans don’t have quite the same give as sweatpants. If […]

Chaos of Parenting: Six Signs of Acceptance
The post-partum period is made up of late nights and early mornings and what felt to me like a whole lot of waiting; waiting for the incessant crying to melt away and some small bit of sanity to return, and praying for a moment of peace. While eventually babies do learn to self-soothe, few other […]

Getting Your Toddler to Eat (Healthy!)
How your kids are eating (or not eating) can be a huge cause of stress for parents, especially during the toddler years. Thrown food, dumped plates and the old “gag n’ puke” from an unfamiliar vegetable are not uncommon occurrences during most meals. Though it can bring a lot of added anxiety to the dinner […]