Raising your kids to have the healthiest lifestyle possible from a young age is the best way to make sure they’ll grow up to be big, strong, and happy. Remember that your little ones lead by example- read these tips on how to best ensure that you and your family are doing all the right things to raise healthy kids!
Author: Trevor McDonald

These Are Foods You Should Avoid during Pregnancy
Pregnancy is, without a doubt, one of the most exciting times of life. If you’re pregnant, you’re probably busy furnishing a nursery, creating a birth plan, choosing a name, and picking out baby clothing. However, pregnancy is also a very sensitive time for your health. After all, your health now affects your child’s health! So […]

7 Tips for Road Trips with Toddlers
In truth, traveling with a toddler is quite a bit different than traveling with an infant or older child. The toddler has begun to understand that he or she has choices and is pretty excited about exerting this newfound power.

7 Tips for Surviving a Family Car Trip
Road trips offer a lot of time for bonding, but if you don’t plan ahead, things can go awry fast. There are a few tricks to pulling off a successful family car trip, but it all comes down to planning. Don’t think you’re just going to hop into the car and the kids will magically stay out of trouble for the next four hours. It just won’t happen.

6 Ways to Help Siblings Get Along
Carson pulled Abbey’s hair again… And now the baby is screaming because the toddler took her toy. Does this sound like a day in your life? Or maybe it’s just the antics that take place as you’re waiting in the school drop-off line.