The work clearly begins with those with the most at stake–parents. It is not be the politicians nor the corporations nor the laboratories that are spearheading change.
Author: wendybradford

Storia Can Help Parents Raise Readers for Life
Combining its expertise in childhood learning materials with widely used technology, Scholastic introduces Storia, a free eReading App that customizes learning to your child’s ability level–and beyond.

Diary of a New Green Mom: Natural Cleaners & Panic at the Store
At one time, before I was married, before the kids, I would have spent hours dissecting every ingredient listed on every product–and then checked its safety on various scary websites. I had rather bad obsessive compulsive disorder, and I was focused on germs and chemicals.

Diary of a New Green Mom: The Greenmarket Is for Every Family
We shop at our local green market every Sunday–the produce is spectacular, and we are supporting New York farms and farmers

Diary of a New Green Mom: Getting My Footing
As more “natural” products enter the mainstream markets, it should be easier to happily make the “right” choice. Yet I find myself still anxiously hiding the Windex bottle under the organic eggs in my shopping cart.