Ask any new parent if their sex life has changed postpartum. If they answer with a quick and cool “not really, why?” they are lying to your face. Or at least hiding something. Because babies. Change. Everything. It’s fairly common for new parents to struggle sexually—at least for a little while. Why does this happen, and what can you do about it?
Category: Sponsored
Parents come to us for tips and advice on important parenting issues. The moms and dads in our community are always in need of content on important child-rearing topics that will help them be better parents. We have brand partners with trusted expertise for our moms, who provide expert parenting advice – sometimes in the form of an educational and promotional article. Topics could include techniques for sleep, breastfeeding, travel safety, legal issues, education, and countless other topics on which young parents are seeking guidance.

Car Safety for Expectant & New Moms: Momcast Re-cap
Last week Mommybites held a very important momcast on car safety for expectant and new moms, generously sponsored by SafeRide4Kids.

How to Tackle Procrastination
Before I tell you how to tackle procrastination, I’m going to adjust the font, style and size of the typeface that I plan to use in this piece. Then, before I actually get to the part where I explain how to defeat evil monsters that stop you from completing tasks, I will lure you in with an unnecessarily descriptive hook, detailing what the experience is like. I’m procrastinating on writing this piece on procrastination, by writing this sentence about procrastinating, right now. It’s happening right now.

Education and Tutoring: The Freedom to Fail
I recently received a phone call from a parent; she was confused and concerned regarding a shift in her ten-year-old son’s approach to his schoolwork. This, unfortunately, is a common occurrence in the world of tutoring. Many children begin their academic careers with passion and promise, only to show signs of hesitancy, and even apathy, as they near the end of elementary school. Parents are left wondering, “What happened?”

Simple Steps to Raising Socially Conscious Kids
With summer coming to a close and the beginning of a new school year looming, it is the perfect time for parents to reflect on our hopes for our children in this coming year. We likely all want our kids, no matter their age, to try new things, deepen current friendships and create new ones, and develop skills and talents.

Best Baby Shoes for Beginning Walkers
What is more exciting than watching your baby take her first steps? Now that she’s on the move, you may want to consider purchasing her first pair of baby shoes. With so many styles of baby shoes on the market, which ones are the best choice for a new walker?

Pediatric Dental Care: Class Re-cap
We recently held a highly illuminating teleclass on pediatric dental care including what to expect from your child’s first dental visit, what to do when your child has trauma to their front teeth, oral hygiene instruction for the home, foods to avoid, thumb and pacifier habits, and more.

The 10 Test Prep / Application Commandments
What follows are suggestions of how to navigate the test prep and application process for you and your child. There is no such thing as a perfected, uniform approach, but these tips can certainly act as a brief guide of how to help you maintain your sanity, and how to help students of all ages achieve their potential as applicants.