We want your baby to get the best nutrition no matter what. Happy Family is proud to offer emotional and expert support as well as premium, organic products, so that every parent can give their baby the best nourishment they can – and feel good about it!
Category: Sponsored
Parents come to us for tips and advice on important parenting issues. The moms and dads in our community are always in need of content on important child-rearing topics that will help them be better parents. We have brand partners with trusted expertise for our moms, who provide expert parenting advice – sometimes in the form of an educational and promotional article. Topics could include techniques for sleep, breastfeeding, travel safety, legal issues, education, and countless other topics on which young parents are seeking guidance.

Your Child’s First Dental Visit
When is the ideal time for a child’s first visit to the dental office? It used to be three years of age when all the deciduous (baby) teeth were erupted in the mouth. More recently, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), the American Dental Association (ADA) and the American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) recommend […]

5 Hot Made-In-The-USA Products For Mom
Every mom needs some space for relaxation and silence, especially after surviving the stress of the holiday season. It’s vital that you rejuvenate your relationship with your children by taking some time out for yourself. Tell your household that it’s “Mommy’s quiet time” now. When you offer yourself some rejuvenating R & R, you are […]

Clarins Beautiful Beginnings Pregnancy Kit
Sponsored Content Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful experiences a woman can have. I remember having such a strong sense of fulfillment and intense joy for my growing belly. When I think about my three pregnancies, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed with such a pure and deep love. Along with all of that […]

Bullying – It Happens More Than You Might Think
One in seven children is involved in bully-victim interactions. All children lose when aggression is tolerated: the bullies, the victims and the bystanders. Some of the more common forms of bullying include: Physical violence and attacks (including biting, pushing and hitting) Verbal taunts, name-calling and put-downs Spreading rumors Exclusion and isolation from the peer group […]